0napak ölek mi?
0ben biliyorum
0Vatiz zor neym
0あなたは、ポン引きに何をしたいですか あなたの母親をファック
0kim bilmiyor lan .
+1look mister, i have a word with you. huge man. you have money, have washer, everything is there. thousands of people are working at your disposal. do you play decent bread? günahsızı is worthy of all this, they enter the child, to take to the street in the snow in the winter, to starve? but how befit! are not you the daughter of self-pity, even a lot of happiness which the droplet. do not you understand, sir, these kids love each other. but i'm talking to no avail. love knows no man, i'm trying to teach love. huh, you, the boss, billionaire owner of factories saim man! older than you? no, i'm old! i live master! you're a nobody with me, you know, nothing! eyes not even worth postage. but i know better, i never do anything to my son nor the bride. yıkamayacaksın, slinging, you will not defeat us. birbirimizr stamp money, because we are not committed to love. we love each other. we're a family. we had a nice family. do you think you can afford to destroy it? do not touch my family now! do not touch my children! do not touch my son! touch the bride! if harm comes to them lays a, i, who never hurt a fly-life, im yaşar master pulls any thought i'll shoot! you know, shoot, and even turn to look behind me!
0@1 Mother fuck Everyone Fucking Grandmohter fucking
0amina cakarim
0what do you think? stupid
0are you disco?
0adam huckley baylor
0get out
0ben biliyorum
0do you think u r a genius cos you know eng. shut the f*ck up bastard
0ı can speak english yannanım
+1منفضة السيارة بندقية الموت شجرة التحكم في ما هو زوجة الإنجليزية
0san of e binççç
0shut the fuck up bitch
- 9.
- 8.
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