Stranger: FL USA
You: m turkey
Stranger: That must suck for you
You: no im very prou of it like every turk
Stranger: Etheopians are proud of theyre heratige too, but theyre lives suck aswell
You: but w r not etheopian and our life not sucks
Stranger: You live in turkey, how can anything not suck for you?
You: why do u think that it must suck for me? what do u know about turkey?
şu an burdayız beyler -
0That you people wont let the rest of the world explore your mountains where supposetly the remains of Noah's Ark lay...
0fikir vermeyecekseniz doğaçlama gidiyorum
0You: hahaha thats the only thing that u can worry about
You: u americans didnt know about the whole world
You: i know i have relatives there
Stranger: Thats the only thing in turkey, besides poor people
You: u really know nothing about the world -
0tabii ki daha akılcı şeyler söylenbilir ama ingle bir yere kadar hala konuşuyorum
0Stranger: I know allmost everything about pokemon, so suck on that, maby well invade you and change your countries name to chicken yay
You: hahahhahahhaahahhaah what ure really an idiot hah
dikkat beyler 21 yaşında bu zeka pırıltısı -
0upupuppuupupup devam beyler
0Stranger: Nope i just enjoy the misery of others, its more of a psychosis than an education level... Yay
You: im not talking about education level
You: im talking about a knowlede and world culture that ure really a stranger to it
Stranger: You called me an idiot, im actually very intelligent, but this is omegle not the lecture hall, atleast i know how to spell "you're"
Stranger: Yay
You: if u say suck for something,u must have a knowledge to prove it
You: otherwise u cant talk
Stranger: That dosent even make any sense.
You: and i dont have to know to spell correct every english word im turkish
elimden geldiğince beyler -
0Stranger: Then go to the turk omegle, wait they dont have one... Cause nobody gives two fucks about turkey. Yay
bunu dedi huur ne diyim amk hızlı -
0çabuk lan sonuncuya düzgün fikir uok mu
0evet böyle dedim beyler
You: yes we dont hav omegle but this is for everybody so i can use it.if u dont wanna talk with a turkish, there is adisconnect button under there
You: and do u know that SOMETHINGS happen in the world important than omegle -
0beyler yoruldum amk hazırlığı zor geçmiştim ben bi yanda sözük zütümden ter damlıyor amk
Stranger: I will not disconnect, im learning soo much. Before i thought you people were just poverse but now i know you are... Do you know that your lack of proper grammer makes it impossible to know what the hell you are saying? -
0up amk destek biraz
0sözlük dediğim ing sözlük amk bir yandan da buraya yapştırıyorum
0burdayız beyler
You: ok i cant do anything about my grammar u must understand this if u want
Stranger: Say something with a point, and say it in a way that someone with over a 4th grade education level can understand it yay
You: firstly like i said i dont have to know english well, secondly u sad that livin in turkey is sucks. prove me that u know somethings about turkey,ill say u a lot about usa -
0hadi beyler kendi çapımda debeleniyorum amk argüman yazın bana ingilizce konuyla ilgili hadi
0@41 o kolay panpa amerikanın taklarını biliyoruz saydırırım valla blöf değildi
0sakinleşti şimdilik birşey yazmıyor muallak. internetten türkiye ile ilgili bilgi arıyordur kanımca hahahha
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