1. 13.
    31e ara verin amk 5 dk da asilin picler ccc absolutely not ccc
  2. 12.
    up up up amk asılll
  3. 11.
    saldirin lan
  4. 10.
    up up up saldırın binler
  5. 9.
    ccc absolutely not ccc
  6. 8.
    asilin picler
  7. 7.
    %26,87 olduk saldırınnn
  8. 6.
  9. 5.
    up up up up
    hadi lan 31 ci binler asılın
  10. 4.
    ccc absolutely not ccc
  11. 3.
    beyler yükleniyoruz
    ccc auuuu auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ccc
  12. 2.
    upupupupu asilin picler, birazda hayirli bi ise giriselim!
  13. 1.
    Lan amciklar dinleyin, http://www.jpost.com/specialsection/home.aspx bu adres de sag alt tarafta anket var, anket sorusu der ki - Israil filo baskini ile ilgili tarafsiz bir sorusturma yapabilir mi? - diye soruyor, cevap olarak biz tabi ki C gibkini isaretliyoruz: Absolutely Not

    ozet, jeruslaempost anket gibertmesi : http://www.jpost.com/specialsection/home.aspx C -ABBSOLUTELY Not isaretle
    ccc absolutely not ccc

    su anki durum bu:

    1. definitely 54.91%
    2. possible, but unlikely 18.42%
    3. absolutely not 26.68%
    total votes: 1162

    edit: bu firefox imacros gibini yapabilen varsa hic durmasin amk asilsin.

    son durum 11:32 itibari ile . absolutely not 31.15% asilin amk
    son durum 11:40 itibari ile absolutely not 33.88% ccc absolutely not ccc
    son durum 11:48 itibari ile absolutely not 37.78% hadi beyler belinize kuvvet
    son durum 12:02 itibari ile
    can an israeli probe into the flotilla raid be impartial?
    total votes: 1509
    1. definitely 42.35%
    2. possible, but unlikely 14.31%
    3. absolutely not 43.34%
    ccc absolutely not ccc

    absolutely not %50 olana kadar durmak yok amk hadi
    can an israeli probe into the flotilla raid be impartial?
    total votes: 1601
    1. definitely 39.91%
    2. possible, but unlikely 13.62%
    3. absolutely not 46.47% az kaldi asilin amk ccc absolutely not ccc

    ---son durum son durum son durum---
    can an israeli probe into the flotilla raid be impartial?
    total votes: 1728
    1. definitely 37.04%
    2. possible, but unlikely 12.62%
    3. absolutely not 50.35%

    acik ara farkla inci gibertti ccc anket reyiz ccc