+1 -1The first thing I want to ask you is why do you want to speak English,for your job or you like to speak. Whatever, my day was same as usual. I woke up early and had breakfast. And then I read a book whose name is \'Baştan Çıkarma Sanatı\'. If you really like to read book, I can highly recommend it. When I finished reading the book, I went out to balcony to take a fresh breath. Then I created a project with Arduino uno by using temoa
0"why DO YOU... " olacak orası. soru sormuyorsun orada. şayet soru soruyo olsan soru işareti olur zaten ki o da yanlış olur burada. senin yazdığının doğru olması için soru sorman lazım. o da bu kalıpta olmaz. cümleleri ayırman lazım.
For exp: I wanna ask you sth. Why do you wanna speak English? Is it because of your job or you just like to speak it?
+1 -1Tell me about your day or ask me anything you'd want to know about me.
Only in english please. (okay german is also accepted if only it's easy to understand my german is kinda weak) -
0today we went to to the market for shopping and grocery needs. now i am doing my homework. this course is gibving me trouble because i am taking it for third times. and i am dealing with my psychological issues. also i am thinking about girls and i am imagining that they are giving me blowjob. how was your day?
0Okay first of thanks for your honesty about that wild imagination of yours lol
What do you study?
Same as yesterday and the day before that... I lost track of time. It's really boring.
0Shut the fuck up u jackass
0No one's forcing you to do this, you can get the hell out if you want to
0I have had a breakfast and worked on some frelance projects today. Meanwhile, I have been hanging around in inci almost entire day.
Why do you want to speak English, by the way? -
0Because i missed expressing myself in english it's been so long since i got someone to talk to.
What do you do? What kind of freelance projects do you work on?
0aight fam im in
so what topic would you like to speak about mate -
+1Yo, sergeant gary roach sanderson in da house!
Welcome to the hood man, wassupp? -
0well, same shit different day as usual
how bout ya
0I try to maintain a stabil mental health but it's getting harder day by day.
Like, one second i am happy and the other second i feel like i have the world on my shoulders and it's crushing me.
Do you ever feel like that? -
0it seems like you have depression. well, almost every person feels depressed at his life in some point. i had major depression too but it will get better in time don't worry. my advice to ya stay away from things that saddens you and do some activities that you liked
+1It's brave to step up like that man, i respect that. Is your depression over or are you still fighting it?
The problem is it doesnt matter what i do. It always finds a way to consume me. No matter how happy i am or what im doing. I cant run from that. At this point i feel like i should just stop fighting it and learn to live with it. -
+1well i defeated my depression but it still left some wounds on me. thanks for asking
and humankind is adaptable af. they can get over with anything that blocks their way. so improvise, adapt, overcome. you can learn to live with it while you decrease its damage done to you or you can get rid of it entirely. but neither of these ways are easy
diğerleri 1 -
0popped the cherry again. another day, sexier and fucker still.
0pussy ass tits
başlık yok! burası bom boş!