1. 26.
    Why is he the chosen one?
  2. 27.
    Saint gone astray
  3. 28.
    With a scepter and a gun
  4. 29.
    Learn to believe
  5. 30.
    In the mighty and the strong
  6. 31.
    Come bleed the beast
  7. 32.
    Follow me it won't be long
  8. 33.
    In the name of God
  9. 34.
    Leading to your salvation
  10. 35.
    Straight is the path
  11. 36.
    Twisting faith into violence
  12. 37.
  13. 38.
    Killing in the name of God
  14. 39.
    Speaks to you
  15. 40.
    Listen when the prophet
  16. 41.
    amin panpa
  17. 42.
    semiallahü limen hamideh
  18. 43.
    John petrucci solosuyla giber
  19. 44.
    vıvlvıvlvıvvıvlvıvlvıvlvıvlvıvlvıl vviivlvilvivlvivlivlvivlvivlvivlivlvivlvilv blıığmblılpı
  20. 45.
    glory glor hallelujahhhhh