1. 126.
    niye yapıyorlar böyle şeyler ?
  2. 127.
    bu video yu izledikten sonra faşist oldum a.q
  3. 128.
    extra ince prezervatifin zararları
  4. 129.

    sabri de el atmış amk
  5. 130.
    PLAY KEKE PLAY one day im hanging around the school garden. my teacher called me " come here mehmet". i said " yes sir " , she said show your pencil , i showed my 7,65 , she said show your notepad , i showed court papers , she said show me a map , at this moment my darling , i showed my razor blade wounds , my teacher asked me what are these ?? " sir , these are razor wounds ! as if you supposed me as god of psycho ! but you dont know those razor wounds are memory of my darling`s hazel eyes
  6. 131.
    elini ayağını gibeyim keke.
  7. 132.
    çal qeqo çal
  8. 133.
    çal kekoo çaaaaaalllllllllll
  9. 134.
    vur joker vurrr
  10. 135.
    çaal keke çaaal
  11. 136.
    gerçeğinden daha güzel olmuş amk
  12. 137.
    one day im hanging around in the school garden. my teacher called me " come here mehmet".i said " yes sir " she said show your pencil, i showed my 7,65, she said show your notepad, i showed court papers,she said show me a map, at this moment my darling, i showed my razor blade wounds, my teacher asked me " what are these ?" sir, these are razor wounds ! as if you supposed me as god of psycho! but you dont know those razor wounds are memory of my darling's hazel eyes... play keke plaaaaaaay !!!
  13. 138.
    my teacher called me " come here mehmet".i said " yes sir " , she said show your pencil , i showed my 7,65 , she said show your notepad , i showed court papers ,she said show me a map , at this moment my darling , i showed my razor blade wounds , my teacher asked me " what are these ?? " . " sir , these are razor wounds ! as if you supposed me as god of psycho ! but you dont know those razor wounds are memory of my darling's hazel eyes... play keke plaaaaaaay !!!
  14. 139.
    ip attım ucu kaldı da
    Daraz da gücü kaldı
    Ben sevdim eller aldı
    içimde acı kaldı
    çal keke çal :(
  15. 140.
    yaptığın işi gibiyim bunu doğurtan doktorun anasının dıbını gibiyim
  16. 141.
    kafaya bak ak adsasf
  17. 142.
    one day im hanging around in the school garden. my teacher called me " come here mehmet".i said " yes sir " she said show your pencil, i showed my 7,65, she said show your notepad, i showed court papers,she said show me a map, at this moment my darling, i showed my razor blade wounds, my teacher asked me " what are these ?" sir, these are razor wounds ! as if you supposed me as god of psycho! but you dont know those razor wounds are memory of my darling's hazel eyes... steal keke steaaaaalll !!!
  18. 143.
    bune ananı gibeyim ahahah
  19. 144.
    mağarama dönüyorum.
  20. 145.