project libera mentem
“evil can only exist where there is an absence of good.”
as most of you know, we now stand at the doorstep…of our darkest hour…
we placed our trust in the hands of our elected officials, to look out for our best interests, and protect us from those that would do us
harm. that trust has been betrayed.
it has never been more clear, that it is our own silent acquiescence to the corruption in our world…that has allowed this system of
tyranny and oppression to be built all around us. we must recognize this fact! because it is the key to our salvation…for once enough
people realize, how easy it would be to fix all of the problems we now face …if the human family would simply come together, to work in
cooperation with one another, we can bring about peaceful lasting solutions to all of our problems.
everyone seems to agree that something is definitely wrong, and that something definitely needs to be done!
it is obvious to be effective we are going to need the strength of numbers.
okay…so what we need is a tool, or an instrument, that we can use to connect all of us in a single environment, structured to facilitate
resolutions to the goals and objectives presented by the members of the community... and that means you.
this tool will act as an interface designed to connect the human family, in order to give each individual back their voice, allowing it to
be heard around the globe, and along with all of our voices, the entire global community united as one, giving us the strength in numbers
that we need to save ourselves and our home, the earth, from a dark age, the likes, humanity….has never seen.
that interface is exactly what we are working to build.
currently, we are working to bring a simple, yet functional platform to life, which will allow us the necessity of a place to start from, a
place where we can come together and begin to make progress. this format will enable us to give rise to the kind of change the people want
to see.
as we come together we will work to develop our digital interface to make it an organic entity. this will allow it to grow and change
depending on the needs of the community.
please allow me to introduce myself, my name is george drache, if you are interested in being a part of this project feel free to contact
me, send me an email at i am on facebook. please take the time to register your email or send me a friend request
on facebook so that i can keep you updated with our progress.
if not, at least check back here frequently as i will keep this page updated with any noteworthy information.
thank you for your interest in our project! this should definitely be an interesting one! i’m excited! you all should be. hope to see you
all inside once the interface is finished.
fyi - the word government is derived from “guber mente” which is latin for “mind control”. the words libera mentem are latin for “free mind”.
we thought that was a fitting name for this.
in the mean time…we all need to be working to establish communities. not alternative communities! we need to work within the communities
that we already have, in order to develop a system of support amongst the people around us.
so if the fda compliancy officer tries to arrest you or your neighbor for growing food, in your own garden, to feed your family, you can
stand up together and protect one another.
go out and talk with the police. they are just people too, and they have been used worse than us. these criminal politicians use the police
to enact their unjust laws. they are not even laws, they are just statutes that are only held valid because we all go along with them. i
suggest that you look into this, just google the definition of staute and soveriegnty. we are all soveriegn individuals folks!
research original jurisdiction and individual sovereignty. police officers need to realize that they are just people too. and by enforcing
unjust laws or using unnecessary violence against anyone they are just creating a world where the same thing can happen to them or their
son or daughter or mother or father or grandmother. we all need to work together on this one if we are to be successful folks. all of us!
have community meetings, start a community news letter. invite your neighbors, firefighters, and peace officers.
educate yourself and others about sustainable living and permaculture, in order to take back our food and by extension our health. because
if we remove ourselves from the system by becoming sustainable on our own, we take the power they have over us back from them. when we
remove our dependency on the system of control they have created, by growing our own food, generating our own free energy, and collecting
and purifying our own water we remove our dependency on the monetary system, because we provide for ourselves the necessities we need to
survive. and that means not having to pay just to be alive, anymore.
think of ways to bring people together and get them talking.
the point here is, to do something. if you feel like your best contribution to a better world for us all is education and awareness….awesome!
go out there and spread education and awareness. if you think that your abilities would be best utilized organizing meetings and bringing
people together in your community…super! do that! if you’re a programmer and you want to help bring this new platform to life…then by all
means my friend please do contact me.
you see a pattern here?
now is the time for action.
we are amidst a great awakening of human consciousness. it truly is and exciting time to be alive. for we have been given the opportunity
to take part in man’s achievement.
if any of the information or ideas i addressed were foreign to you, there is a wealth of information available. this site has good
information on a variety of topics. there are other sources. i suggest you be careful about where you get your information and who you
trust. people’s motivations usually become clear the more they speak. you only have to look at their message and in what ways they would
gain by sharing their information with you.
i do however suggest you have a listen to any work done by max igan. his work can be found all for free at you can
find the five films max has put out, a free book that presents an interesting view of the history of the world, and most importantly his
weekly radio show which he posts to his website and can be found in the radio archives. max is an incredible well spoken individual that
has an important message that can help give you the courage and the wisdom to get through these trying times. i highly recommend you check
out what he is saying.
max has a very important message we all need to hear put in a way that only he can.
seeing things progress now the way they are, i am reassured of our eminent victory, because we will be successful folks. somewhere in time
we already have been successful…this is just how we did it!
in lak’ech