1. 76.
    olasılık sorusuysa olabilir deee olmayabilir de panpa bildim mi
  2. 77.
    soru hatalı.
  3. 78.
    @64 sende hatalısın amuğa koyim
  4. 79.
    @62 panpa tebrik ederim ama yanlış d şıkkına tekrar bak
  5. 80.
    b)15/65 c ve d a ile b nin aynısı.

    aynsatyn mod: off
  6. 81.
    hayir yuzyili sorusu bu bunu yapin gotumu once size sonra esseklere sonra tekrar size gibtircem

    write a main function and two functions to compute and print the
    elements of a two-dimensional 40x25 integer array a which are square
    a square number is a positive integer that is the square of an integer,
    in other words, it is the product of some integer with itself.
    for example, 25 is a square number since, it can be written as 5*5.

    within the main function:
    . declare a two-dimensional 40x25 integer array a and initialize
    it with random numbers between 1 and 100 inclusive.
    . declare also a one-dimensional integer array b with a reasonable
    size to hold the elements of the array a which are square numbers.
    . pass the arrays a and b to the function1 as arguments and get
    the return value(the size of b, the number of square elements
    of a stored in b) from the function1.
    . pass the array b and the size of b(returned value from the
    function1) to the function2 as arguments.
    . print the array b.
    . print the array b without duplicates (i.e., repeated elements
    will be written only once.
    within the function1:
    . read array a elements and compute and store the square elements
    of a into the array b.
    . return the size of the array b(the number of the square elements
    stored in b) to the main function.
    within the function2:
    . sort the array b elements in ascending order.
  7. 82.
    hayir yuzyili sorusu bu bunu yapin gotumu once size sonra esseklere sonra tekrar size gibtircem

    write a main function and two functions to compute and print the
    elements of a two-dimensional 40x25 integer array a which are square
    a square number is a positive integer that is the square of an integer,
    in other words, it is the product of some integer with itself.
    for example, 25 is a square number since, it can be written as 5*5.

    within the main function:
    . declare a two-dimensional 40x25 integer array a and initialize
    it with random numbers between 1 and 100 inclusive.
    . declare also a one-dimensional integer array b with a reasonable
    size to hold the elements of the array a which are square numbers.
    . pass the arrays a and b to the function1 as arguments and get
    the return value(the size of b, the number of square elements
    of a stored in b) from the function1.
    . pass the array b and the size of b(returned value from the
    function1) to the function2 as arguments.
    . print the array b.
    . print the array b without duplicates (i.e., repeated elements
    will be written only once.
    within the function1:
    . read array a elements and compute and store the square elements
    of a into the array b.
    . return the size of the array b(the number of the square elements
    stored in b) to the main function.
    within the function2:
    . sort the array b elements in ascending order.
  8. 83.
  9. 84.
    a şıkkının cevabı
    öyle bi ihtimal yok olacak.
  10. 85.
    hala bulunamadı panpalar c ve d şıkkı için cevap arıyoruz
  11. 86.
  12. 87.
    cevap erkek veya kız bjk li olamaz ancan huur çocukları olur aslında bütün fenerliler huur evladıdır burdan gibiyorum hepinizi
  13. 88.
    c--- 1/3
    d--- 1/13

    soruyu mu değiştiriyon durmadan aq
  14. 89.
    @74 değil dıbına koyim değil
  15. 90.
  16. 91.
    soru mu lan bu cacık yerken salatalığa rendelenmiş sarımsak gelme olasılığını sormuştu Sarıdereli bilen bilir.
  17. 92.
    la biriniz çözün şunu dıbına koyim fıttırcam
  18. 93.
    -ve- deyince çarpıyor muyduk, öyle birşey yok muydu?