1. 1.
    +1 -1
    you need to be either mormon or secular.

    -mitt romney
  2. 2.
    if there was no george washington,you wouldnt know who was your father.

    -barrack obama
  3. 3.
    you cant talk to me like that,i m living in inglınd

    - peter steele
  4. 4.
    +1 -1
    abd'li kemalistler haahahha
  5. 5.
    both barack obama and zit romney can suck my dick. my kemalist dick.
  6. 6.
    gecme namik kemal koprusunden,
    urkutursun vakvaklari
    ananin amina cam diktim obama,
    git topla kozalaklari
  7. 7.
    malı arap faikten alıyorduk karabük'te ikinci yükleme yapılıyordu

  8. 8.
    im mormon and i know it
  9. 9.
    military is not a place where you can sit back or lay around

    richard dexer shawn.
  10. 10.
    ananı da al git

    -ricard dexer shawn
  11. 11.
    i go
    you go
    we go