1. 801.
    ömrünüze reset basan oyun amk, uzak durun
  2. 802.
    ccc warlock adamın anasını giber ccc
  3. 803.
    yeniden başladım ben bu lanete. 80 level roguem var, talent olayını falan değiştirmişler.. hoş ben talent nedir hiç bilmezdim zaten. öyle arkadaş dizerdi skilleri falan. şimdi ne tak yicem bilmiyorum damn.. subtetly veya assasination takılmak istiyorum bi kaç parça pvp setim var. tek eksiğim rogue hakkında biraz bilgi. mesajlarınızı bekliyorum
  4. 804.
    twisting nether sağlam pvp yaparım diyen binler varsa mesaj atsın 2k yapamamış binler atlamayın (warlock + rogue) var 3. kişiyi arıoz!
  5. 805.
    @273 hacı pvp diyosan arenajunkies.com, talent sub ver daha zevkli. garrote glyph al, casterlara garrote>backstab>kidney>4-5 cp ye kadar backstab sora evis vur, bide yeni patchle deişti rogue lar oynadıkça alışırsın.
  6. 806.
    molten wow - sargerasta oynayan varsa pm atın binler
  7. 807.
    son gelen patch ile retribution'u tamamen giben blizz retri oyuncularını protection oynamaya zorladı adeta.. !!

    Protection Paladin giber atar... Cataclysm , rise of the pvp. !
  8. 808.
    http://wssn.blogcu.com ziyaret edin lan bi ayar warcraft lore hakkında site yapmıştım. Kafayı warcraft hikayesiyle bozduğum zamanlardı ey gidi ey.
  9. 809.
    @276 lan saçmalama ak raidlerde en yüksek crit rekoru mage'den -82k- sonra retri paladin'de ak -72k-
  10. 810.
  11. 811.
    @278 raid için oynamıyorum ben wow'u sidik yarıştırır gibi dps yarıştırmam zaten raid yapıcaksam da healer olurum rahat ne güzel.

    Retri tak oldu 4.0.1 ile işte (Pvp'de) 4v1 yapıyorum protection paladin'imle.
  12. 812.
    outland horde oynayan öm atsın
  13. 813.
    binler, şu yeni binten sonra critical hata çıktı açamıyorum oyunu.
    bi yardım edin lan.

    world of warcraft: retail build (build 13164)

    exe: program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    time: oct 18, 2010 2:43:39.515 pm

    this application has encountered a critical error:

    dosya işaretçisini dosya başından daha geriye taşıma isteğinde bulunuldu.

    program: program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    file: dbfilesclientachievement_category.dbc

    78bfb2f45d415c3da703a5115a621822 7956 0

    wowbuild: 13164
    set sound_enablehardware "0"
    set sound_numchannels "32"
    set shadowlevel "1"
    set showtoolsui "1"
    set specular "0"
    set locale "engb"
    set patchlist "engb. patch.battle.net:1119/patch"
    set hwdetect "0"
    set gxrefresh "60"
    set gxmultisamplequality "0.000000"
    set gxfixlag "0"
    set videooptionsversion "4"

    gxapi: d3d9
    shader model: ff_ps
    vertex: vs_ff
    pixel: ps_2_0
    adapter count: 1

    adapter 0 (primary):
    driver: igxprd32.dll
    version: 6.14.0010.4885
    description: intel(r) g33/g31 express chipset family
    devicename: \.display1


    stack trace (manual)

    address frame logical addr module

    showing 18/18 threads...

    --- thread id: 3100 ---
    7c802542 0a44ff24 0001:00001542 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    0073a310 0a44ff5c 0001:00339310 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0073dfca 0a44ff70 0001:0033cfca e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940bae 0a44ffa8 0001:0053fbae e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940c56 0a44ffb4 0001:0053fc56 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 0a44ffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 448 ---
    7c802542 0a54ff2c 0001:00001542 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    007348b7 0a54ff5c 0001:003338b7 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0073dfca 0a54ff70 0001:0033cfca e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940bae 0a54ffa8 0001:0053fbae e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940c56 0a54ffb4 0001:0053fc56 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 0a54ffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 2196 ---
    7c802542 0a64ff1c 0001:00001542 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    00748e3e 0a64ff5c 0001:00347e3e e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0073dfca 0a64ff70 0001:0033cfca e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940bae 0a64ffa8 0001:0053fbae e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940c56 0a64ffb4 0001:0053fc56 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 0a64ffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 3988 ---
    7c802542 0a74ff1c 0001:00001542 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    00748e3e 0a74ff5c 0001:00347e3e e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0073dfca 0a74ff70 0001:0033cfca e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940bae 0a74ffa8 0001:0053fbae e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940c56 0a74ffb4 0001:0053fc56 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 0a74ffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 3000 ---
    7c802542 0a84ff28 0001:00001542 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    0073a1e9 0a84ff5c 0001:003391e9 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0073dfca 0a84ff70 0001:0033cfca e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940bae 0a84ffa8 0001:0053fbae e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940c56 0a84ffb4 0001:0053fc56 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 0a84ffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 1700 ---
    7c802542 0174ef84 0001:00001542 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    4ff3ba1f 0174ffb4 0001:0010aa1f c:windowssystem32d3d9.dll
    7c80b713 0174ffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 344 ---
    7c802455 018dff5c 0001:00001455 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    007ce35d 018dff68 0001:003cd35d e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0054aebb 018dff8c 0001:00149ebb e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    004bbd29 018dffb4 0001:000bad29 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 018dffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 2596 ---
    7c802455 019dff5c 0001:00001455 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    007ce35d 019dff68 0001:003cd35d e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0054aebb 019dff8c 0001:00149ebb e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    004bbd29 019dffb4 0001:000bad29 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 019dffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 2960 ---
    7c802455 01adff5c 0001:00001455 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    007ce35d 01adff68 0001:003cd35d e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0054aebb 01adff8c 0001:00149ebb e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    004bbd29 01adffb4 0001:000bad29 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 01adffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 1496 ---
    7c802455 020fff3c 0001:00001455 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    0071ec44 020fff5c 0001:0031dc44 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0073dfca 020fff70 0001:0033cfca e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940bae 020fffa8 0001:0053fbae e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    00940c56 020fffb4 0001:0053fc56 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 020fffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 1192 ---
    7c802542 021fff68 0001:00001542 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    004bf300 021fff78 0001:000be300 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0076bf5d 021fff8c 0001:0036af5d e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    004bbd29 021fffb4 0001:000bad29 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 021fffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    --- thread id: 736 ---
    7c802542 0258ff60 0001:00001542 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll
    004bf300 0258ff70 0001:000be300 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    0049189c 0258ff8c 0001:0009089c e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    004bbd29 0258ffb4 0001:000bad29 e:program filesworld of warcraftwow.exe
    7c80b713 0258ffec 0001:0000a713 c:windowssystem32kernel32.dll

    stack trace (using dbghelp.dll)

    showing 18/18 threads...

    --- thread id: 984 [current thread] ---

    loaded modules

    memory dump
    Tümünü Göster
  14. 814.
    ferel oynuyorsan kapat, rogue oynuyorsan kapat, healersan kapat, lock karşına gelirse kapat
  15. 815.
    ccc focus geldi amk ccc

    üşüyoruz MANA reyis
  16. 816.
    genişlemiş diyola.
  17. 817.
    hordeler geliyor amk.
  18. 818.
  19. 819.
    cennete gitsem wow oynarım
  20. 820.
    Liselilerin oynamadığı,ha varsa bile zenglin ve kültürlü liselilerin oynadığı oyundur