1. 12.
    everybody likes "ekşici" amk. fuck off go to ekşi.
  2. 11.
    i asked christ, he said cleveland
  3. 10.
    @9 why? 'cause you have a 20- cm dick?
  4. 9.
    +2 -1
    no i shan't
  5. 8.
    kim beni lanetlemek istiyor mu diyo tam çevirisini yapın pls
  6. 7.
    im not stupid. im just horny bastards. im looking for a gentle boy with 20+ cm dick.
  7. 6.
    delete the system 32
  8. 5.
    press alt+f4 after than press 'tamam'
  9. 4.
    dıbına kodumun dogurduguuuu tirket burayı dıbını gibtiğim
  10. 3.
    you should do ctlr +w
  11. 2.
    click x to close
  12. 1.
    im horny, you know. im burning man.