0novadays,i am about to experience some differences about my life.in addition,my life has never been so briliant for me to be happy and grateful.so,i've been thinking of what should i do.but i am sorry that i can't give you the details about the issue.
0@5 olm gece gece sandalyeden düştüm amk. :D nerden buldun la bu cümleyi :D
0@7 ingilizcem bitti bu kadar tmm bitti ingilizce bu...
0if you cant give some hints about your issue, how can u expect that we can help u? u r coming here and opening title like this and saying nothing about it. dude u have 2 say stihng. if u cant tell we cannot help u.but actually i started this while i m thinking some racisim 2 u but later i ve changed and here i am to listen u. maybe u just afraid to lose control of u r life. maybe according 2 u, every step that u take is another mistake 4 someone but u cant just piss of. u have to get over it before u do something stupid. in my opinion u entry is some proof of ur stupidity but its ok. just tell us and let us help u. or talk u till morning till u feel ok. we r here 4 u @inccisozluk
0@6 is that so?
0@1 sorun kafanın zütünden büyük olması detay vermene gerek yok der bir amerikan filmi repliğinde
0the more i am penetrating the stick in my hand into the dog,the more violently it's barking
0thank both of you guys
0goose your ass
0ur ass is enough, dont worry
0@8 thank u bro. where are you from? harlem?
edit:the guy has come from harlem, guys.
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