1. 476.
    Panpi linkte tünel var sonunu bulabilirsen başla bakalım

  2. 475.
    bu muallak nickaltıma yazıp kaçıyor, yakaladığım yerde gibicem.
  3. 474.
    way qnq yaşıyon mu amk
  4. 473.
    malın teki
  5. 472.

    sabahı gören tayfa was here

  6. 471.

    sabahı gören tayfa was here

  7. 470.
    iyi bir şakirtti göremiyoz artık
  8. 469.
    pazarlanmışın fışkırttığı seni nik altına bi yazan benim aq
  9. 468.
    neredesin dıbına yarağımı soktuğum
  10. 467.
    vay amk seni de hatırladım reyiz
  11. 466.
    hala tek göz ile secure chat yapıyor musun lan?
  12. 465.
    yannan yalamayı sever
  13. 464.
    ayar veremeyen adam
  14. 463.
    tanımlamaya gerek yok adamın 3. ve 4. harfi
  15. 462.
    China is what happens when you take a bunch of agrarian peasants, unchanged for thousands of years, kill the smartest and most educated among them, force the rest to pay lip service to complete bullshit for a couple of generations so nobody can even remember what sanity was, and then suddenly throw them into the 20th century. Not the 21st, mind you, the 20th.
    EDIT: The best analogy would be if you took the US, killed everyone except Southerners with an IQ below 100, and then moved them to New York.
  16. 461.
    The obvious, trite notion: in production the members of society appropriate (create, shape) the products of nature in accord with human needs; distribution determines the proportion in which the individual shares in the product; exchange delivers the particular products into which the individual desires to convert the portion which distribution has assigned to him; and finally, in consumption, the products become objects of gratification, of individual appropriation. Production creates the objects which correspond to the given needs; distribution divides them up according to social laws; exchange further parcels out the already divided shares in accord with individual needs; and finally, in consumption, the product steps outside this social movement and becomes a direct object and servant of individual need, and satisfies it in being consumed. Thus production appears as the point of departure, consumption as the conclusion, distribution and exchange as the middle, which is however itself twofold, since distribution is determined by society and exchange by individuals. The person objectifies himself in production, the thing subjectifies itself in the person; [9] in distribution, society mediates between production and consumption in the form of general, dominant determinants; in exchange the two are mediated by the chance characteristics of the individual.
  17. 460.
    hatundun sen değil mi?
  18. 459.
    naber la
  19. 458.
    şimdi onlar düşünsün!
  20. 457.
    bu adama nickaltının en uzunu,en detaylısı, en süper yakışır ama özet geçiyorum,
    kral yazardır, giber.