1. 76.
    playing guitar involves putting your fingers in the right spots--if you can type, you can play guitar.
  2. 77.
  3. 78.
    birinci nesil olması bir şeyi değiştirmez orosbu çocuğu
  4. 79.
    what you learn in jail?

    try again feel better.
  5. 80.
    the longer you stay on the internet the thicker your skin gets
  6. 81.
    high five a vagina.
  7. 82.
    i believe it's called the westermarck effect. if a person spends a long amount of time near someone who is growing up (6 or younger usually) or someone is growing up while spending a long amount of time around someone, they will be psychologically unattracted to that person sexually. it's a natural effect that prevents incest. i think it's also why stepdads can be very abusive.

    that's the other half of the westermarck effect. if you meet someone you're genetically close to, but weren't raised with, you go nutso sexy time for each other.
    have to be careful meeting that long lost family.
    explains why a lot of people find their cousins hot too.

    it's been suggested that this is also why freud had such a fixation on mommy issues - he was raised by nannies, and thus found his mother highly attractive due to genetic compatibility.


    hm, ok, oddly enough we're attracted to genetic incompatibility ... look up major histocompatibility complex. it's more advantageous to mate with people who are dissimilar to you because it reduces homozygosity and can improve the immune system strength of your offspring.
  8. 83.
    huur çocuğudur.
  9. 84.
    -˛aban bu neeaa
    -s koy
    -selma.. ah˝h˝
    -g˝á˝na gooooy
    -ahah ay˝p ol˚rr
    -goy goooooy!
    -ahah herkesin iáinde!...
    -yaw elman˝n g˝á˝na s gooooy
    -elma.. elmass.. haaaaa elmas! kim áald˝ elmas˝

    ben geená kˆr biir dilenciyiiim
    sokaaak sokaaak gezeeeriim
    beniii gˆreen zengiiinlerdeeen
    biraazc˝k yaard˝m iisteriiim
    (sutoglan, 12.12.2003 12:35 ~ 12:55)

    stan: who are you?
    johnny: we're that band, radiohead.
    scott: [raises his head] jesus!
    ed: jeez, what a li'l crybaby!
    colin: are you gonna cry all day, crybaby??
    thom: you know, everyone has problems; it doesn't mean you have to be a little crybaby about it.
    ed: come om, guys, let's go. this kid is totally not cool. [the members of the band start leaving]
    thom: yeah, that's the most uncool kid i've ever met.
    phil: little crybaby!

    [angel has just saved rachel from a violently abusive boyfriend, while spike watches ó and narrates ó from the rooftop.]
    spike [as rachel, falsetto]: how can i thank you, you mysterious, black-clad, hunk of a night thing?
    spike [as angel, basso]: no need, little lady, your tears of gratitude are enough for me. you see, i was once a bad-ass vampire, but love and a pesky curse defanged me. now i'm just a big, fluffy puppy with bad teeth. [rachel sways closer to angel; he steps back, warding her off with his hands.] no, not the hair! never the hair!
    spike [as rachel]: but there must be some way i can show my appreciation.
    spike [as angel]: no, helping those in need's my job. and working up a load of sexual tension and prancing away like a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough!
    spike [as rachel]: i understand. i have a nephew who's gay, so...
    spike [as angel]: ah. say no more. evil's still afoot ... and i'm almost out of that nancy-boy hair gel that i like so much. quickly! to the angelmobile ó away! [rachel and angel leave. spike lights a cigarette.]
    spike [as spike]: go on, liam. play the big, strapping hero while you can. you have a few surprises coming your wayóthe ring of amarra, a visit from your old pal spike, andóoh, yeahóyour gruesome, horrible death.

    you're *not* friends. you'll never be friends. you'll be in love till it kills you both. you'll fight, and you'll shag, and you'll hate each other till it makes you quiver, but you'll never be friends. (ba˛˝n˝ i˛aret eder) love isn't brains, children, it's blood... (gˆs¸ne vurur) blood screaming inside you to work its will. *i* may be love's bitch, but at least *i'm* man enough to admit it.

    every man dies not every man really lives

    i am constantine. john constantine. asshole.

    i don't know! i don't know why i did it, i don't know why i enjoyed it, and i don't know why i'll do it again!

    i didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't prove anything

    beatles'te be˛ minare.. let it be olan let it be.

    was mich nicht umbringt macht mich st‰rker

    bir rˆportajinda nazim hikmet¥i cekistiren denyomatik elemani "yahu, sen ne diyorsun, ben sagciymisim da, nazim solcuymus da, biz birbimizin d¸smaniymisiz da, yok daha neler, ulan, biz nazim ile b¸t¸n g¸n siyaset tartisir, aksam olunca da beyoglu¥nda beraber kiz tavlardik, ne diyorsun sen be ?"

    ermeniler'in tehcir karar˝ndan sonra, bunu bir soyk˝r˝m ve vah˛et olarak niteleyen avrupa'n˝n, o dˆnem en g¸ál¸ ¸lkesi ingiltere'nin b¸y¸keláisi, abdulhamit'in huzuruna á˝kar. elái, abdulhamit'e, gˆr¸˛me s˝ras˝nda; "daha ne kadar ermeni ˆld¸receksiniz?" diye sorar. tum imparatorluk genelinde, muazzam bir istihbarat ag˝na ve buna bal˝ olarak kusursuz bir bilgi ak˝˛˝na sahip olan abdulhamit, gayet sogukkanl˝, eláiye dˆnerek, "4 aral˝k 1912 sabah˝ saat 03:30da yunan bal˝ká˝ teknesinin ta˛˝d˝˝ 33 kasa ingiliz yap˝m˝ t¸fei artvin'de ermenilere dag˝tan ingiliz ajanlar˝n˝n, silah ba˛˝na istedikleri t¸rk kellesi kadar daha ermeni ˆld¸receiz" demesi, zannediyorum tarihin en muazzam ayarlar˝ndan birisi olmustur.

    what do you looking at? you're all a bunch of fucking assholes. you know why? 'cause you don't have the guts to be what you wanna be. you need people like me. you need people like me so you can point your fucking fingers, and say "that's the bad guy." so, what that make you? good? you're not good; you just know how to hide. how do lie. me, i don't have that problem. me, i always tell the truth--even when i lie. so say goodnight to the bad guy. come on; the last time you gonna see a bad guy like this, let me tell you. come on, make way for the bad guy. there's a bad guy comin' through; you better get out to his way!"


    neye bak˝yorsunuz ha? hepiniz lanet serserilersiniz. neden biliyor musunuz? olmak istediiniz gibi olmaya cesaretiniz yok. sizin gibi insanlar˝n bana ihtiyac˝ var á¸nk¸ o s.ktiimin parmaklar˝n˝zla beni gˆsterip ìi˛te kˆt¸ adamî diyebilirsiniz. bu sizi ne yapar. iyi mi? iyi deilsiniz. sadece nas˝l saklanaca˝n˝z˝ ve yalan sˆylemeyi biliyorsunuz. benim bˆyle bir problemim yok. ben her zaman doruyu sˆylerim, yalan sˆylerken bile. ˛imdi kˆt¸ adama
    iyi geceler dileyinî

    bir adam˝ sabah gˆrd¸¸mde tesad¸f olarak kabul ederim, ˆlen ayn˝ adam˝ bir daha gˆr¸rsem ku˛kulan˝r˝m. ak˛am kar˛˝la˛t˝˝m˝zda teredd¸ts¸z silah˝m˝ áekip vururum. tesad¸flere inanmam

    the burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. they'd rather sit in front of the tv and let that tell them what they're supposed to like, what they're supposed to buy, and what they're supposed to laugh at. you have beavis and butt-head telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is--people are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because america has raised them like that."

    yani diyor ki..

    "orijinal olmak beraberinde bir y¸k getirir ve insanlar bunu kabul etmek istemiyor. bunun yerine oturup televizyon izliyorlar ve televizyonun kendilerine neyi sevmelerini, neyi sat˝n almalar˝n˝ ve neye g¸lmelerini sˆylemesine izin veriyorlar. beavis and butthead size hangi m¸ziin iyi olduunu sˆyl¸yor. sitcomlar eer esprinin nerede olduunu anlayamayacak kadar aptalsan˝z, g¸lmeniz iáin kahkaha efekti veriyor. insanlar kendileri d¸˛¸nemeyecek kadar tembel ve aptal, á¸nk¸ amerika kendilerini bu ˛ekilde yeti˛tirdi"

    eer áocukluumuzdaki alg˝ d¸zeyimizi b¸y¸d¸káe koruyabilseydik, hepimiz birer dahi olurduk

    miroluu miroluuu bu ¸lkede ki˛i ba˛˝na 3 casus d¸˛¸yooo! (bkz: deli y¸rek)

    kyle: okay. we can use my dad's computer to call all the kids together.
    stan: wait. before we put a message out, do a search on the word, "clitoris."
    kyle: oh, okay... "found: eight million pages with the word, 'clitoris.'"
    stan: wow!
    kyle: i'll just try the first one. "you must be eighteen to enter this website." okay. "welcome to 'german sick fetish video.' if you are undereighteen, do not--" well, okay...
    german: do my sheiza game!
    kyle: dude! it's a lady getting pooed on!
    stan: whoa! is it cartman's mom?
    cartman: oh, very funny.
    kyle: hey! it is cartman's mom!
    german: essen mein sheiza.
    lian: all-righty, then!
    cartman: aw, son of a bitch! [gets shocked] ow!
    ike: ba-ba-ba-ba
    kyle: get outta here, ike. you're too young for this stuff.
    ike: bull shit.
    stan: what's he doing, now?
    german: essen mein sheiza.
    lian: okey-dokey!
    children: [watching video] oh! [gagging]
    german: [undecipherable]
    stan: click it off, dude! click it off! dude, what the fuck is wrong with german people?
    cartman: all right, all right. let's just do what we came here to do, and put a message out to kids.
    kyle: okay. let's see, i've gotta put out an all-access e-mail... god damn your mom sucks, cartman.
    Tümünü Göster
  10. 85.
    animal battle videos

    "when it comes to actual fights - there are plenty of videos that appear to be set in southeast asia somewhere. the one that jumps out to me is where a man and a woman are both stabbed and then thrown into this pit area. the pit only appeared to be about ten feet deep or so (completely guessing on that) but the problem is that they had what looked like a honey badger down there already and the badger/whatever in the hell it was started attacking the female. the female fell, flailed wildly while the man simply attempted to climb out of the pit, screaming his head off. surprisingly, the female was pretty quiet as she didn't last long. the badger-thing went after her head and she was motionless after that (assuming she died). when the man got close to the top by literally digging his hands into the dirt and climbing with all of his strength, he was shot.

    once he hit the ground in the pit, the badger jumped, walked over to him and smelled him and then left him alone. keep in mind, both of them were stabbed before hand in the stomach and then thrown into this pit. i'm assuming this was in a poor part of asia where drug cartels and crime syndicates run things.
    people already bet on animal fights to the death. bear baiting, dog fightings, etc happens all over the world. it's a documented fact.

    criminals all over the world already abduct people (children and adults alike) and then use drugs, violence and torture to keep them as sex slaves for prostitution. that's a documented fact.

    warlords in developing countries kidnap kids, drug them, make them rape and kill their own mothers and engage in cannibalism. they then keep them addicted to drugs so that they do their bidding and continue killing on command. that's a documented fact.

    if there are people willing to engage in these types of behaviours then i wouldn't be surprised if i found out that the above (badger) story was true."
  11. 86.
    get in the down elevator. face everyone and look the in the eyes,' til they get really nervous. press a few buttons in a row, then get off the elevator at the first stop. run to the stairs, down a few floors, then get back into the same elevator. face everyone and say, "i know what you said about me."
  12. 87.
    i swear, i have absolutely no idea what women are thinking. i don't get it, ok? i, i, i admit, i, i'm not getting the signals. i am not getting it! women, they're so subtle, their little.. everything they do is subtle.. men are not subtle, we are obvious. women know what men want, men know what men want, what do we want? we want women, that's it! it's the only thing we know for sure, it really is: we want women. how do we get them? oh, we don't know 'bout that, we don't know. the next step after that we have no idea. this is why you see men honking car-horns, yelling from construction sites. these are the best ideas we've had so far.. the car-horn-honk, is that a beauty? have you seen men doing this? what is this? the man is in the car, the woman walks by the front of the car, he honks. this man is out of ideas. i mean what is he expecting? for the woman to stop and say "hey you honked at me .. ahhhh that's so sweet .. i never knew you felt this way!"?

    the amazing thing is, that we still get women, don't we. men, i mean, men are with women. you see men with women. how are men getting women, many people wonder. let me tell you a little bit about our organization. where ever women are, we have a man working on the situation right now. now, he may not be our best man, ok, we have a lot of areas to cover, but someone from our staff is on the scene. that's why, i think, men get frustrated, when we see women reading articles, like: "where to meet men?". we're here, we are everywhere. we're honking our horns to serve you better.
  13. 88.
    adı berçin olan yazar
  14. 89.
    neredesin oğlum sen. gelince titret.
  15. 90.
    mezarlığa entry girmek.
  16. 91.
    duyduğuma göre eşşek gibiyomuş
  17. 92.
    (bkz: feta adlı huur cocugu bu başlıga gelemez/#23296684)
  18. 93.
    6 kasımda olacak, böyük ihtimalle de gitmeyecem de önceki zirveye gelen ekşici bin de geleceymiş galiba, belki giderim ne bileyim
  19. 94.
    ayakta uyuyorum amk bu heriften ögrendigim dedikodunun haddi hesabı yok
  20. 95.
    burada gibişen en güçlü ve en gibici erkekleri görüyorum. bu potansiyeli görüyorum ve hepsi heba oluyor. lanet olsun, bütün bir nesil 31 çekiyor, keraneye gidiyor ya da beyaz beyaz attırıyor. ferrelar yüzünden elizabeth ve elanor peşinde. nefret ettiğimiz sahneleri izleyip gereksiz şeylere attırıyoruz.

    bizler tarihin huur çocuklarıyız. bir amacımız ya da manitamız yok, ne büyük gibişi yaşadık ne de büyük abazalığı. bizim savaşımız ruhani bir savaş, en büyük buhranımız yannanlarımız.

    bulvarla büyürken, milyoner ferre yıldızı ya da çok gibici elemanlar olacağımıza inandık, ama olmayacağız. bunu yavaş yavaş öğreniyoruz ve o yüzden çok çok abazayız...