0you are the jungle baby
- 53.
0çok gibici bir şarkıdır canlı performansı ayrı bir gibicidir
0Jungle Welcome to the Jungle
0ben buraya tanım girmemiş miyim lan çok şaşırdım
0You know where you are
You're in the jungle baby
You're gonna die
In the jungle -
0şanananananana knes knes knes çok hoş lan
0şu an dinlediğim şarkı
nazlı yarim sana jungle yapmış - 60.
0In the jungle Welcome to the jungle
0Welcome to the jungle
We've got fun 'n' games
We got everything you want
Honey, we know the names
We are the people that can find
Whatever you may need
If you got the money, honey
We got your disease
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your
knees, knees
I wanna watch you bleed
Welcome to the jungle
We take it day by day
If you want it you're gonna bleed
But it's the price you pay
And you're a very sexy girl
That's very hard to please
You can taste the bright lights
But you won't get them for free
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my, my serpentine
I, I wanna hear you scream
Welcome to the jungle
It gets worse here everyday
Ya learn ta live like an animal
In the jungle where we play
If you got a hunger for what you see
You'll take it eventually
You can have anything you want
But you better not take it from me
And when you're high you never
Ever want to come down, YEAH!
You know where you are
You're in the jungle baby
You're gonna die
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your
knees, knees
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Feel my, my, my serpentine
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your
knees, knees
In the jungle
Welcome to the jungle
Watch it bring you to your
It' gonna bring you down-HA! -
0@18 adam haklı beyler
0@1 yenimi dinlemeye başladın gunsn roses ı, bu gaz ne amk
0yu no ve yu aaaaa???
0klibi şiddet içerdiği için yasaklanmıştı...
0nanananananananananaaaaaaaa! ccc axl reyiz ccc
0bu şarkıyı yaratan, adam eden biri varsa o da izzy stradlin'dir
fuck slash -
0http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_ennmzwn6y şu canlısını da bir dinleyin beyler
0nınınınınınınınınını knees knees..
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niyet ettim silik yemeye bu sen misin la
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