0@13 thanks bro, i think: we should speak and speak in every our free time for improve our english.
i read your sentences, but i think your engilsh level higher than my english level. so i did'nt understand your some words. -
+1ur english is obviously not between elementary and pre intermediate
as all can see but if u want to have conversation with us please use our national language and i think u can guess which language it is if u are not 12.5 years old. -
0@18 only english beach
0Well motherfuckers i beat upper-intermediate and advanced. Now im gonna takeadvanced plus while im studying in my own department.
+1@20 is right. ıf a person use "has got", it means he is only a amateur.
0this topic's proggession is pretty god damn slow, are you guys using google translate? fucking poors...
0@20 i laughed : D but you should be more friendly to me.
0dont make me fuck your fucking english bastards
0bitch, please
0yes dudes, i know, there are lots of different english level people. it's not problem for us.
we can try to understand each other. we will learn some new things about english. -
+1let them speak: )
0your mom zaaaaaaaaaa xdxdxd
0@22 i understood to you. but it didn't easy for me. your english better than me.
+1pardon kardeş, yazmayayım dedim tutamadım kendimi
these are stupid idea olmamış. s takısı ekgib
just, özneden sonra gelecek.. i just want to... diye devam etmelisin. bu da olmamış
some english sentence olmaz.. yine s takısı yok amk. lan ingiliz hasta!! sentences nerde yarraaam???
ayrıca biyerleede -de -da varsa ayrı olacak. ben göremedim ama kesin onu da bitişik yazmışsındır sen ingiliz bini seni -
+1if you want to improve your english you should read english stories
for example : penguin readers -
0@25 thanks for see my false. and cheers i learned new rule.
0@35 i gave your şuku bro. but you could tell English them.
0we will see our false sentences and we will say our english wrong things in english.
0what's going on guys
0This is football, everything happens, sometimes everything happen yani, on the tabelya, in the geym.
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