+43hello this is jon champion and alongside me is jim beglin
+12 -1i fucked your mother while speaking english
+5 -1ne olur geri dön tülaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy
+2 -3yes panpies,let the game begin.
I put all of your's pussy. -
+3 -2huur çocukları
+5şaka maka mada faka
+2look bro..
i'm a vampire which was sleeping for a few hundred years..my coffin begun to fuck up my back so i woke up to buy a new one.. heard about a new way to shopping named internet.. during my search for coffin decorated with pearl,i saw this site then i've noticed your topic,and your jokes were really not meant for me,so i have decided to kill my thirst with you, coming for you this time you little rat, prepare yourself for other life.. -
+2konuşuyoruz diyonuz yazıyonuz.. giberim öle işi..
+2@293 because of donkey's dick
+1i said stop the carriage you son of a bitch
+1i'm 24 and i married with girl who's 44.she has a daughter and she's 25.My dad has married with this girl.My dad become my bridegroom because of he married with my wife's daughter and my daughter became my step mother because of she married with my dad.i had son last year.my son became brother of my wife's daughter and became brother in law of my dad and became uncle because of he's brother of my step mother.So my brother became my uncle.my dad's wife made a son last year.he's my brother because of he's son of my dad and grandchild because of son of my daughter.so i'm brother of my grandchild.MY life is so convoluted but i still care some fucking thing about you!
+1i know kung-fu
-1@257 are your name is huur cocoukları? Nice to meet you
0serkan is my girlll!!!
0ım dont understand you guys
0why am jack why?
0heyyy gayysss bayrdıbınız holy olsun
0say hello to my little friend
0ay em hiyır yu var goving
0at one fuck your mum
çıkarınn beni bu cehennemden
sağdaki neyse de
bu elaman akil hastasi hayalinde ulke
ilkokuldayken siniftaki kızları döverdim
tylerr dursun burayaa gel
cccrammsteinccc günaydın başlığı cügü rekoru
maske kafali ibo
yatiyom ben ya
türkiyenin dünyadan övgü aldığı video
nurten ve elmas hanimlar evde vakit geçiriyor
beyler en son ağladığınız filmin adı neydi
lahana haşlamiştim kendime
uzun sure inciye giremiyen memati
gapdan girk beri bag hele
kendimle ilgili beklentileri baya dusurdm
maske kafali ibrahim nikli yazar
ilk önce iş
beyler bu sene antalya manavgata gittim
gassal izleyen ve ya izlemiş ne kadar insan varsa
evvel zaman içinde kalbur 560bin olan mal
bazı bayanlar başına gelenleri hak ediyor
buyuk fontla yazi yazan
wow girl olarak meme uçlarim
elazığ çuf çuf hikayesi
560 bin iti
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 14 01 2025
insanlar doğuştan taşaklarını
ne oldu lan gotunuzmu titredii dava
kafkas manla teke tek çıksak acaba
atatın neden hiç erkek evlatlığı yok
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