0mother zaaaaaaaa
?? gentelmans why cant i write turkish? -
0sum up bastard
0its the futbol thats the futbol
0I have english class level 11 guys, you can ask me everything what you wonder about speaking english
0can can can a can
0give me everytink tunight
0guys does anyone have girlfriend?
0what is panpies lhan seakick
@71 warmass -
0fuck uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
0under the control the games during the games; but what can i do? sometimes..
0what the fuck is that
0i can still not understand these type of shits you motherfucker son of bitches
0@77 panpie you are swearing too much
0guten morgen
0big games easy than the other games. unfortunately. everytime is we have the control the games, under the control the games, during the games. we have the some possibilities, some big chances, some big okazyons, something like that but what can i do, sometimes? and it's the fıdbal, that's the fıdbal. something happened. everything is something happened. but anyway now is in the tabela, we have to seen the situation, now is second position. and one point more. i dont want to see the back, i want to see the front.
0@79 cmonn my friend it is deutsch we are speaking english
0we impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. you exist because we allow it. and you will end because we demand it.
0he that would live in peace and at ease must not speak all he knows nor judge all he sees
0i cant speak english so screw your topic i'm going
0if you come here, i'll kick your ass
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