0@6 i laughed loudly son of a bitch
0@278 elementary school student
0What do you do, yattı uyudu
+2@293 because of donkey's dick
0damm it
+1i'm 24 and i married with girl who's 44.she has a daughter and she's 25.My dad has married with this girl.My dad become my bridegroom because of he married with my wife's daughter and my daughter became my step mother because of she married with my dad.i had son last year.my son became brother of my wife's daughter and became brother in law of my dad and became uncle because of he's brother of my step mother.So my brother became my uncle.my dad's wife made a son last year.he's my brother because of he's son of my dad and grandchild because of son of my daughter.so i'm brother of my grandchild.MY life is so convoluted but i still care some fucking thing about you!
0hello my friend , im going to high school . im a little crazy . i didn't see any pussy in my life . i want something from you . pls bring me pussy . im burning
0vat is yor neym ? wat du yu sekis on tı biçç
0hey man what the fuck is your problem your head is big big big ass
ass big asss buubbs meemeee göööt -
0you wankers, fist your ass
0unbelievable logical mistake in english
0three switched witches watch three swatch watch switches. which switched
witch watch which swatch watch switch?
ananızı giberun -
0your mommy is here.do you want to say something?
0what did u guys talking about?
0@306 oha ak
0english motherfucker! do you speak it?
ccc samuel reyiz ccc -
0my computer documents and settings temporary files internet explorer fuck you.
0guys :(
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