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    diken diken oldu.
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    vericeğin linki gibmek lazım
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    the video you have requested is not available.

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    the video you have requested is not available.

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  9. 10.
    tinyurl den linkle amın feryadı
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  12. 13.
    beynini gibmek lazım asıl
  13. 14.
    lan tamam düzelttim amk alın
  14. 15.
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  15. 16.
    the video you have requested is not available.

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  16. 17.
    oha hala mı açmıyo lan gibicem ama ha
  17. 18.
    the video you have requested is not available.

    if you have recently uploaded this video, you may need to wait a few minutes for the video to process.
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  18. 19.
    hay senin tüylerine boşalayım.!
  19. 20.
    the video you have requested is not available.

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    sorry about that.