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0"trollite"Tümünü Göster
definition of "trollite": a female troll who acts in favor of feminism & women rights by spreading misandrogeny.
habitat: any type of on-line/off-line social convention.
frequency: recent reports have stated that the avarage numbers of trollites amongst small or large human groups are increased by 0.03 % each week. the standart fixed frequency of trollites in masses is 0,27 % per se.
diet: the diet of trollites varies between small male children and large masculine men but mostly conservativist men and some other traditionalist women are considered to be consumed by trollites. most favourite food in the trollite diet is high self-esteem.
life span and life cycle: there are no observed infant trollites. however, scientific researches offered some clues which enables to speculate the early chapters of trollite life (see following). avarage trollite life span is 30 years, from beginnig with the 15th year and (by the achievement of the ability to attract human males) ending with 45th year (by achieveing sanity and self-awareness). After the 45th year, it is considered that trollites metamorphose back into standart human female.
reproduction: there are some ongoing scientific researches in order to observe copulative behaviours and reproduction cycles of trollites. unfortunately none of these current researches are capable of offering calculable data, thus, any reliable theories are yet to be established. however, it is strongly suspected that trollites start their life cycle as normal human females but encounter with excessively modernized ethics, post-modernist culture, hippie drug substances, trolls and far western contemporal feminist philosophy causes a metamorphose into trollite.
trollite behaviour: needless to be irritated, the trollite is nervous in itself. it shatters the stable humorous social interaction by assaulting the masculinity in everything, even in men themselves. misinterpretation of men values is another aggressive behaviour type of trollite species. their most common defense method is to assume their own mistakes and lead to the end. national troll security service of norway (Norges Troll-gibkerhetstjeneste) recently released a report which is foucsed on the topic of trollites. the avarage hostility level of a single trollite is calculated as 8.77 / 10. as the trollite pack grows in size, the hostility level increases by 1.3 % per individual. the hostility level of trollites begins to decrease after 35th age as they come to their senses and realize that human males are respectable creatures and no single member of them are to blame for the ruthless social conventions and consensus.
conclusion: the trollite species are recognized as a communicative threat by the world internet & digital communiaciton association. current developments and studies on trollite issue do not meet the requirements for establishing precautions and building a universal countermeasure code. however there are many civil activities in order to battle against this recent threat. some of them like "ridicule them to death" organisation even achieved remarkable success. -
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