1. 1.
    rüyamda ne zamandır gördüğüm baykuş heralde hergün incideyim baykuş reyis baykuş reyis diye diye ordan rüyama giriyo sanıyodum amk yakında benden haber alamazsanız direk sığınaklara beyler
  2. 2.
    look at me bro

    my name is emre aydin i was born in isparta on 2 february 1981 as the first child of şaban and nermin aydın, who are both pharmacists. i have a younger brother named yiğit. in my early years the family moved to antalya. i began playing saz at an early age and later opted for guitar.i graduated from antalya anadolu lisesi (high school) and then studied economics at dokuz eylül university in izmir, upon my parents' wish. in a 2009 interview i admitted that he never attended a musical conservatory, because i did not want to have my musical experience transformed into school lessons and exam sessions, which i thought would make my lose interest in music.i stated to try make music with my friend who are fucking homos.and after i fucked them up , i quited the gruop and i returned to my solo career.but as you know i am still a teenager and my inspriation is still just about my high-school lover.so i am still so emotional.but i used to happy about my life before i saw your fucking entry.and after that i felt like a genious,as einstein because i learned that there are many fucink idiots such as you.i am really sad now because of i used to believe many sane and sober people live and control the world.but now i realised everything.so i started to work hard,i fnished my fucking high-school relationship son of a bitch

    i hope you will die like an animal which was fucked by bears

    and now fuck off and sleep please,don't be obstacle for me and all over the world
  3. 3.
    up ulan up
  4. 4.
    4.tür fena panpa
  5. 5.
    @4 şu an korkudan ne yapacağımı bilemiyom sen diyonki de yi ayrı yaz be de yi zütümde hissediyom amk şu an
  6. 6.
    şu an biraz sakinim amk açtım kendime gelim diye biraz youtubeden turist ömer izledim

    @7 doğru diyon panpa keşke o karının yerine başkası oynasaymış amk