+1 -1neler yapmam gerek beyler bi yardım edin lütfenTümünü Göster
maile giremiyorum. twit şifremide değiştirmişler. bu dıbına koduğumun twitterına ticket açıyorum diyorum hacklendim hesap adımı mailimi ve son giriş tarihimi veriyorum. mal bi mail atıyorlar ama bi ilerleme yok, sorun ne amk ne yapmam lazım?
aha buda gönderdkleri mail. bi tak anlamadım amk. 10 yıldır falan ingilizce dersi görüyorum..
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twitter is a free service and we receive quite a bit of mail, so we may not get to yours right away. please read through this automated response to find out next steps for reclaiming a compromised/hacked account. you will need to respond to this email to reopen your ticket.
if you believe your account has been compromised, please be sure you’ve read our help page on compromised accounts:
if you're not able to log in to your account, try to reset your password first by entering your user name and email address here (try both!):
if you still can't get in, and you filed this ticket from the email address you used on your account, please reply to this email to let us know you’re still having an issue. be sure you've included:
• your username
• any email addresses you think might be associated with your account
• the last date you had access to your account
• the phone number associated with the account (if you verified your mobile phone)
in order to provide further assistance, we need to be in communication with the email address that you used on the account in question. if you did not file this ticket from that email address and you still have access to it, please use the account's email address to file a new ticket. here's how:
1. if you’re signed in to another twitter account, sign out.
2. navigate to http://support.twitter.com/forms/hacked
3. check your email inbox for the ticket confirmation email with steps to continue troubleshooting this issue on that ticket.
if you file a new ticket from the account's email, feel free to respond to this email with your new ticket number. once you’ve reopened this ticket, we will do our best to respond to you as quickly as possible. if this did not answer your inquiry, please respond to this email to reopen this ticket.
twitter trust & safety
please note, we cannot accept email attachments at this time; please include all information in the body of your request.
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0o yazıyı kim okuyacak?
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0@1 twitter in türkçesini kullansana sen..
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0adam twitter hackleme programı beyler
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