ilk linkte turkish blog yazısına tıklayınca bizim city çıkıyor lan -
0olm sevdim bu cneti adamlar iyi araştırmışlar
- 3.
bunu akıllıca kullanmak istiyoruma ama aklıma tek gelen ciks yapmak istediğim ünlüleri rahatsız etmek
sadasd -
0yalnız cnet bize blog demiş hoş sözlük olayından haberi yok adamların
+1lan suç değil ki yapılan gururla üstlenelim olayı
0bbcye mail attım lan
Hi i've read your story and i like to add that the bug first discovered in a wikipedia like site inci sozluk at following topic.
You may want to give that further information.
wikipedia like dedim aq ne yazsaydım lan, xhamster like falan mı acaba? -
conan obrien denilen talkshowcu abi önceden karar almış rastgele tek bir elemanı izleyecem sadece diye. onu haber yapmışlar aq bir anda 194 kişiyi izlemeye başlayınca
http://www.popeater.com/2...len-conan-obrien-twitter/ -
0lan haber bulamıyorum başka bitti mi muhabbet hemen
yahoonun altına yorum yapıp inciden bahsedelim olm -
0According to an e-mail we received this morning, the Twitter bug and ensuing 0 followers/0 following fiasco was inadvertently started by a Turkish fan of heavy metal band Accept. When this young man tweeted “Accept pwnz,” he found that the user @pwnz was suddenly following him.
The fellow, who says he doesn’t have any Twitter-related programming knowledge, wrote a blog post about the accidental exploit. At least one commenter said he tried to contact Twitter employees about the bug but got no response.
As most of us are now aware, a ton of other users started exploiting this bug and a few tech blogs got wind of it, as well. Twitter was working to fix the force follow bug this morning, which made it appear that all follower and following counts had been reduced to zero. This was a temporary measure; follower counts have since been restored. - 13.
0inci sözlük diyen site var mı lan hiç
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