0@4 asıl senin ingilizceni gibeyim amk doğrusu: the twentyfirst of december twentyandtwelve(two thousand twelve de olabilir tam hatırlayamadım şimdi)
0@4 bigibtirol
mr & mrs. brown mod on
British English
In British English the day is usually put before the month. If you wish, you can add the ending of the ordinal number. The preposition of before the month is usually dropped. You can put a comma before the year, but this is not common anymore in British English. It is common, however, if the date is part of a sentence: The conference takes place 10-12 December, 2003.
Example: 5(th) (of) October(,) 2004
American English
In American English the month is usually put before the day. If you wish, you can put the definite article before the day. It is common to write a comma before the year.
Example: October (the) 5(th), 2004
mr. & mrs. brown mod off -
0@3 senin dediğin 20 1. aralık amk. yirmibirinci bile değil ingilizcesini gibtiğim.
sen normal elizabethe devam -
0kraliçe elizabeth mod on
twenty first of december two thousand twelve
kraliçe elizabeth mod off -
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