0"when i'm saying 'thug', i mean, not 'criminal', someone that beats your head. i mean, the underdog. the person that had nothing and succeeds. he is a thug. because he overcame all obstacles. it doesn't have anything to do with the dictionary version of thug. to me, 'thug' is my pride. not being someone who goes against the law. not being someone who takes but being someone who has nothing, and even though you have nothing and there's no home for me to go to, my head is up high. my chest is out. i walk tall. i talk loud. i'm being strong. i don't understand why america doesn't understand thug life. america is thug life. what makes me saying "i don't give a fuck" different than patrick henry saying, 'give me liberty or give me death'? what makes my freedom less worth fighting for than bosnians or whoever they want to fight for this year?"
0"when i'm saying 'thug', i mean, not 'criminal', someone that beats your head. i mean, the underdog. the person that had nothing and succeeds. he is a thug. because he overcame all obstacles. it doesn't have anything to do with the dictionary version of thug. to me, 'thug' is my pride. not being someone who goes against the law. not being someone who takes but being someone who has nothing, and even though you have nothing and there's no home for me to go to, my head is up high. my chest is out. i walk tall. i talk loud. i'm being strong. i don't understand why america doesn't understand thug life. america is thug life. what makes me saying "i don't give a fuck" different than patrick henry saying, 'give me liberty or give me death'? what makes my freedom less worth fighting for than bosnians or whoever they want to fight for this year?"
0@113 liseli beyler
0"when i'm saying 'thug', i mean, not 'criminal', someone that beats your head. i mean, the underdog. the person that had nothing and succeeds. he is a thug. because he overcame all obstacles. it doesn't have anything to do with the dictionary version of thug. to me, 'thug' is my pride. not being someone who goes against the law. not being someone who takes but being someone who has nothing, and even though you have nothing and there's no home for me to go to, my head is up high. my chest is out. i walk tall. i talk loud. i'm being strong. i don't understand why america doesn't understand thug life. america is thug life. what makes me saying "i don't give a fuck" different than patrick henry saying, 'give me liberty or give me death'? what makes my freedom less worth fighting for than bosnians or whoever they want to fight for this year?"
0thug life
0yarım saat yokum beyler devam, bu sözlük justin biberci liselilere kalmamalı ccc tupac amaru shakur ccc
0@127 124 e laf koy lan yatcam ben
0All Eyez on me
0all eyez on me
0all eyez on me
0@143 caps ver bin
0all eyez on me
0all eyez on me
0all eyez on me
0all eyez on me
0all eyez on me
0all eyez on me
0all eyez on me
0all eyez on me
0all eyez on me
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