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    Eminem TOP 10 Albümleri (kendi listem) (not:download linkleri 1 gün içinde gelicek edit halinde reserved alın)

    10- Hell: The Sequel(2011)
    cover: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a...059788dfa78ed7ab082951362
    download link:
    9- Curtain Call: The Hits (2005)
    cover: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a...01c7259b977fbfefad5483a33
    download link:
    8- Relapse(2009)
    cover: https://scontent-b-ams.xx...46037673d&oe=54C05A88
    download link:
    7- 8 Mile Soundtrack(2002)
    cover: https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a...7171dc68f863157859ff7c67c
    download link:
    6- Marhsall Mathers LP 2(2013)
    cover: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a...88f6cef715bfce8422c5d16dd
    download link:(not acemiliğe geldi rar oluşturmayı unuttum ama devamı rar olacak) http://inci.ca/ut9_oocjbc
    5- Recovery(2009)
    cover: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a...3cdc5ca0d911b22a53cc734f4
    download link:
    4- Slim Shady LP(1999)
    cover: https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a...53d6fa41b901ce3497385a3c0
    download link:
    3- Encore(2004)
    cover: https://scontent-a-ams.xx...87d6c45fc&oe=54C07829
    download link:
    2- The Eminem Show(2003)
    cover: https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a...ab71390fe6fc2f23bee3ebe27
    download link:
    1- Marshall Mathers LP(2000)
    cover: https://scontent-b-ams.xx...7c911fb8a&oe=54C9498D
    download link:

    edit:Marhsall Mathers LP 2(2013) download linki geldi altına bakın

    (bkz: 41 tane en iyi eminem şarkısı 320kpbs)
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    beyler özür dilerim taşınıyorum interneti bağlatana kadar upload yok ama haftaya olur herhalde
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    onun yerine size en iyi 41 şarkısını yükleyeceğim
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    (bkz: 41 tane en iyi eminem şarkısı 320kpbs)
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