0as i wake up in a room somewhere...
dawn light not yet showing.
there's just a thin horizon between me and her...
the edge of a half-dream glowing.
well, you know, i felt her in my dream last night.
strange how the sheets are warm beside me.
now, how do i catch the waking edge?
as it slips to the far and wide of me.
didn't i try to hold it down?
freeze on the picture, hang sharp on the sound.
catch the waking edge
another time.
familiar shadows in my hotel room
are still here for the taking.
they seem to linger on as the street lights fade
and the empty dawn is breaking.
private movie showing in my head...
which button do i press for re-run?
and how do i catch the waking edge?
the edge of a dream about someone.
well you know i felt her in my dream last night...
now the sheets are cold beside me.
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 08 11 2024
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