0my son,
the truth is victory. evil has lots of questions but the truth has tranquility. it just stands on its throne. when your mind come to raise, you shall find wisdom. rising of thoughts is ruin of lies. truth needs the end to come and say the last words.
the last words are always for truth and its words are always short. lies have lots of words and they carry lifes to a spiritual demolition.
my heart weakens and it would last shortly but i will give you wisdom with it.
0(bkz: sun of the beach)
0my son,
when my days come to an end, i will give you wisdom before my death. -
0arthasıda gibiyim babasınıda gibiyim
0my son,
holy truth dont want to see you as insulting people and being arrogant
you as a candidate of wisdomed man, by your mental rebellion, started your inner battle between evil and angel.
angels are weak, evils are strong however always last words comes from angels.
my child,
dont be deceived by power of evil. it is not eternal. it would end at doom. but angel thoughts are just and simply truth. they will be endless. -
0(bkz: son of a bitch)
0my son,
when my days come to its end, you shall have wisdom. -
+1ordaki her gibindirik kelimeyi wisdom a çevirdin de gibin mi kalktı hayır bu kafayı yakalamak için ne içiyorsun merak ediyorum yarrram
0my son,
the holy end is coming and wisdom is our only weapon against evil. -
+1holy shit amk
0my son, summarise it elephant pussy
0my son,
the truth is your knowledge and vision. improve it to develop truth.