1. 1.
    etkileniyorsan dinleme hacı.
  2. 2.
    coldplay'in süper klibe sahip süper şarkısı.

    sözleri de şöyle;

    Come up to meet you, tell you I'm sorry,
    you don't know how lovely you are.
    I had to find you, tell you I need you,
    tell you I've set you apart.

    Tell me your secrets and ask me your questions,
    oh, let's go back to the start.
    Running in circles, coming up tails,
    heads on the science apart.

    Nobody said it was easy, it's such a shame for us to part,
    nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard,
    oh, take me back to the start.

    I was just guessing at numbers and figures,
    pulling the puzzles apart.
    Questions of science, science and progress,
    do not speak as loud as my heart.

    And tell me you love me, come back and haunt me,
    oh, and I rush to the start.
    Running in circles, chasing our tails,
    coming back as we are.

    Nobody said it was easy, oh, it's such a shame for us to part,
    nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be so hard,
    I’m going back to the start.
  3. 3.
    huzur dolu bir şarkının içinde, huzursuz bir duygu durumu.. kalp acıtanından..
  4. 4.
    Dinlemeden uyuyamıyorum
    1. 1.
      Oh take me back to the start
  5. 5.
    şu an çalan şarkı
  6. 6.
    deney tüpleriyle oynarken yanlışlıkla kurt adama dönüşen bir bilimaddıbının dramı. aaaauuuvvvvvvvv
  7. 7.
    klibiyle insanı köşeye fırlatan efsane.

    şu cover ile biraz daha coollaşalım http://www.youtube.com/wa...kTEKGs&feature=g-vrec
  8. 8.
  9. 9.
    long distance klibinin sonundaki şarkı güzel filmdir
  10. 10.
    1 yıldır müzik listemde dinledim geldim harika bişey buu
  11. 11.
    zil sesim senelerdir çok iyidir
  12. 12.
    going back to the start ?
  13. 13.
    sanat eseri
  14. 14.
    aklıma geldiği gibi açtım bu şarkıda ayrı bir huzur var sanki
  15. 15.
    şuan dinlediğim şarkı. çok iyi amk. Özlemişiz Coldplay.
  16. 16.
    mıy mıy mıy mıy gıy gıy gıy gıy
  17. 17.

    come up to meet ya, tell you i'm sorry
    you don't know how lovely you are
    i had to find you, tell you i need ya
    and tell you i set you apart
    tell me your secrets, and nurse me your questions
    oh let's go back to the start
    running in circles, coming in tails
    heads on a science apart

    nobody said it was easy
    it's such a shame for us to part
    nobody said it was easy
    no one ever said it would be this hard
    oh take me back to the start

    i was just guessing at numbers and figures
    pulling the puzzles apart.
    questions of science, science and progress
    don't speak as loud as my heart.
    tell me you love me, and come back and haunt me,
    oh, when i rush to the start
    running in circles, chasing tails
    coming back as we are.

    nobody said it was easy
    it's such a shame for us to part
    nobody said it was easy.
    no one ever said it would be so hard
    i'm going back to the start.
  18. 18.
    coldplayin müthiş şarısı


  19. 19.
    uykum geldi binler
  20. 20.
    cep telefonumun melodisi canlarım benim yaaa