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0as turkish football fans we want clean football and we call uefa for duty!
the turkish football federation first postponed the start of the season inorder to make a healthier decision on the match fixing – rigging claims about some turkish football clubs (such as fenerbahce, begibtas etc.) regarding 2010 – 2011 season, and then they decided not make any decision due to pressures put and threats by those clubs!
this federation, consisting of members who are members and sponsors of those clubs involved in dirty activities, is not trustable at all anymore!
although there are many solid proofs, telephone tapping records, hidden camera records, statements of many people, even confessions by some players, there are many players, agents, managers, chairmen arrested by the police under the scope of this investigation,
the football federation decided to wait fort he decision to be given by the court, which may take even years!
we want clean football!
we want justice and we want it now!
as the higher authority of the european football and the only rustable party we rely on,
we call uefa for duty and expect uefa to stop these dirty activities, punish the responsible individuals and clubs!
regards, - 7.
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