0reserved devam et bin
0Human beings did not just appear at the top of the evolutionary ladder to reap the benefits of those millions of years of evolution without having to live through it.
In other words, you were those other animals. Someone had to be them.
You had to be lower animals to be a human now. You lived as all the different animals in your evolutionary line. You lived through millions of years, and millions of lives and deaths to get to where you are now. That's what Darwin's book means.
In addition to the fossil evidence, the genetic code proves that all animals, including us, evolved from bacteria over the last 700 million years on earth.
In other words, you were a microbe, an insect, a fish, a dinosaur, an ape...
When all of the evidence (100%) says something happened, and there is no evidence (zero) that anything else could have happened, it is the truth beyond a reasonable doubt to honest, rational people.
We have come a very, very long way, but we have a little further to go. The next and last step in our evolution is learning and accepting the truth of life, and this includes acknowledging our true past.
The truth will free us from the animal world we all evolved from.
A billion years could pass, and you would not know it.
How do you know you are dead? It is not possible to be aware of any gaps in life; it is continuous and never-ending from your own point of view.
Death and birth are a continuous event from your own perspective.
You will die physically, but you will be born into a new physical body. Being born happens, or you would not be here now. You were born into this life. It is what we know happens. There is no evidence anything else happens. True or false?
The "you only live once" theory: Many people say that they do not believe in reincarnation; they believe when you die, you're dead. What about fish, clams, horses, bears, flies? People that say you only live once are saying some souls get to live just one life as a worm, and that is it for all of eternity. -
0yeni dünya düzeni, gizli dökuman ;
Wh4t you were running aafter is where you already are and
always will bee.
4ll people want is what is in the present, but they do not know it because
they have never opened it. Almost no one knows what the present really is.
The present has to be our goal, because it is the only thing that exiists.
instant gratificaton: Whhy put requirements on feeling good? True life is being
given to us all the tiime; we just have to let it in all the time. True life is instant and
complete gratification that costs nothing. Being free is in your head.
The secret: Most people know you do not need “things” or things to happen to be
happy (be fulfilled), but most people do not know how it works. The secret is
opening your mind. Without thought and negative emotions, the same thing
happens that happens when you get what you think you waant.
Being fulfilled, being filled by life all the time, is the true goal of mankind.
Everything that people do, directly and indirectly, good and bad, is to be fulfilled by
life. Once you know the truth, you can skip all the things and just be fulfilled. -
0amacın sosyal düzeni yenilemek olması, bilgilerin gerçek olmadığı anldıbına mı geliyor sence?
bunlar gayet gerçek. yalan olanlar ; senin kafandakiler. -
0türkçe paylaş la.
ingilizce bir anlam ifade etmiyor benim için -
0üsttekileri buradan alıntı yaptım, pdf paylaşmışlar ; http://www.truthcontest.com/
0devam panpa
0televizyonda türkçe programları izlemeyi durdur , televizyon izleme
amerikan dizileri izlemeye başla, ingizlice öğren
güle güle -
0ingilizce bilmeyen binler için:
ilk yazıda reenkarnasyon diye gibko bir düşünceyi ıspatlamaya çalışmış ama sıçmış.
ikinci yazıda kayda değer şu cümleyi sizin için çeviricem:
the secret is opening your mind. without thought and negative emotions, the same thing
happens that happens when you get what you think you waant.
olay zihninizi açmakta. düşüncesizlik halinde ve negatif duygularınız(burada hiçbir şeyi giblemeden hissettiğiniz duygulardan bahsetmiş) ,
aynı şey tekerrür eder, o tekerrür eden şey de istediğini düşündüğün şeyin seni bulmasıdır.
edit: özetle neye inanırsan onu yaşarsın diyor. - 985.
0ananı gibtiğime inanıyorum, ananı gibiyorum xd ( yok öyle şey işte... )
http://inci.sozlukspot.com/w/son-masturbasyon/ -
0neye inandığın ile neyin gerçek olduğu iki farklı kavramdır. ve gerçek yerine, yalnışa inanıyorsan ; hayat boyu acı çeker ve acı içinde ölürsün.
gerçek bilinebilir, gerçek objektiftir ve inanılacak bir yanı yoktur.
inanç, yalnış yöne gitmeniz için sizi programladı. inanç, insan aklında ; bir virüs gibi çalışır. işlevini, uyumunu,sağlığını bozar ve en sonunda acı içerisinde öldürür. -
0The bones are found on our planet in the dirt we now walk
on, and we know their age for certain. Their ages fit perfectly with how long
it would take to evolve from them to us. Everything adds up perfectly. The
bones are from animals that are in our direct genetic line. We are
genetically less than one percent different from chimpanzees, and we are
connected genetically to all the animal life that ever lived on this planet.
Dinosaurs had two eyes, a brain, backbones, a heart, lungs, a stomach,
blood, a mouth, a nose, two ears, and four limbs. They have the same
basics we have now as humans. They slept, ate, mated, and were born
and died, just as we do now.
The evidence says that we were once them, that we evolved from them.
There is no evidence that we came from somewhere else. Thus, we have
to conclude it is true until there is better evidence to show we came from
somewhere else.
Everything in this book just says what the evidence says, nothing else. -
0We know we walked the earth in the bodies of dinosaurs for eighthundred
times longer than we have been in human bodies.
This is the first book about physical and spiritual truth based on evidence.
There are many books about what is true, but this is the first one that just
says what the evidence says is true, nothing more, nothing less.
It is estimated that there are about ten million species of animals on earth. There
may be as many as one-hundred million species. We are just one of them.
The truth is, human beings are a small new twig on our evolutionary tree.
Our spirit was not just the twig; it has been the whole tree of life on earth.
Human beings are just one of millions of different species of life on earth. We are
nothing special in the eyes of creation. We are just legions in our own minds, and
we have created myths to glorify ourselves. Are we intelligent beings? We are
special in the sense that we have a rational mind, but that is not a big deal,
especially if you misuse it and spread deception, or do not use it at all. -
0yazıda insanla şempanze arasında %1 lik genetik fark var diyor. demek ki %1 lik değil onbinde 1 lik fark bile çok şey farkettiriyormuş ki... şempanzeler insanların yanından geçemez.
test dünyası. inanmak için milyon bahane var ; inanmamak için de milyon tane bahane var.
Allah'a size doğru yolu göstermesi için dua edin. - 991.
0türkçe programları izleyenler, türkçe dizileri - filmleri izleyenler... kahrolmuş durumdalar. o kadar çok aptallaşmışlar'Ki... sokakta gördüğünüz insanlar bunlar, okulunuzdaki - işinizdeki insanlar... bunlar profesörleriniz-öğretmenleriniz.. ülkede kilit noktaları tutanlar bunlar... o güzel kızlar bunlar... o adamlar. kahrolmuş durumdalar, türkiye kahrolmuş amq.
türkiyede, zeka seviyesi nijeryanın altına düştü. zencilerin zeka seviyesi ortalama 80-90 iq'dur. türkiyelilerin zeka seviyesi ortalama 60 iq oldu. -
0bu 'şeyi' buraya kopyalayarak bana hakaret ediyorsun. ne saçmalık bu amq ? mavi ipler akılda, kırmızı ipler göbekte... omurgada yılan... ne bu amq ??? embesil misiniz olum siz? lütfen, sil bu şeyi. burası.. bunu haketmiyor.
korku filmi mi çekiyorsun amq evladı ? !! - 994.
- 995.
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