0beyler ödevin bi kısmı ya baışna geçip işin içinden çıkamayanlar oldu bi el atsanız lan
law corners the relations of individuals with one another as such relations affect the social and economic, politicial , religious , and moral philosophy of society the rights and duties of all individuals , as well as the safety and security of all people and their property depend upon the law.
the law is pervasive . ıt interacts with and influences the politicial, economic,and social system of every civilised society.it permits , forbids,and/or regulates practically every known human activity and affects all persons either directly or indirectly.law is , in part, prohibitory :certain acts must not be committed.for example , one must not steal;one must not murder.law is also partly mandatatory:certain acts must be done or be done in a prescribed way. taxes must be paid;corporations must make and file certain reports with state authorities;traffic must keep to the right. finally,law is permissive:individuals may choose to perform or not to perform certain acts.
because of its great complexity, many legal scholars have attempted to explain the law by outlining its essential characteristics. roscoe pound a distinguished american jurist and former dean of the harvard law school , described law as having multiple meanings :first we may mean the legal order, that is , the egime of ordering human activities and relations through systematic application of the force of politically organised society , or through social pressure in such a society backed by such force. we use the term law in this sense when we speak of respect for law or for the end of law.
second, we may mean the aggregate of laws or legal precepts; the body of authoritative grounds of judicial and administrative action established in such society.we may mean the body of received and established materials on which udicial and administrative determinations proceed.we use the term in this sense when we speak ofsystem of law or ofjustice according to law
third , we may mean what mr.justice cardazo has happily styled the judicial process.we many mean the process of determining controversies, whether as it actually takes place, or as the public , the jurists , and the practitioners in the courts hold it ought to take -
-1@2 yardım etcen amk enayilikle ne alaka
0@4 , @5 eyvallah lan ahahahahah
0@13 eh panpa çok ayrıntıya gerek yok ama orta seviye
0@16 helal panpa
@15 o kadar mı vahim -
0oha herkes paragöz olmuş oha @20
0@22 aynen lan eyvallah ama yine de akademik ingilizce amk ben de bi yandan çeviriyorum sorsan hepsi yeminli tercüman sanki fiyat çektiklerine bak
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