1. 1.
    @3 evde marihuana yetiştiriyor
  2. 2.
    @11 ders verip gibmiş.
  3. 3.
    @3 counter strikedaki gözlüklü terörist
  4. 4.
    @3 bizi ifşa ettin kimse bilmiyordu ip adresini bulduk bekle evine ananı gibmeye geliyoruz
  5. 5.
    @3 adam ciddi.
  6. 6.
    Special Weaopns And Tacticals
  7. 7.
    giberim walla ananı tavanı
  8. 8.
    @3 adam google amk.
  9. 9.
    @3 guerrela
  10. 10.
    Ananızı los angeles swat şubesinde gibtim odan sonra atıldım
  11. 11.
    Acronym Definition
    SWAT Special Weapons And Tactics (team)
    SWAT Scandinavian Workshop on Algorithm Theory
    SWAT Samba Web Administration Tool
    SWAT Soil and Water Assessment Tool (river basin model)
    SWAT Students Working Against Tobacco
    SWAT Students Working to Advance Technology
    SWAT Special Weapons Attack Team (original name; now usually seen as Special Weapons And Tactics)
    SWAT Students With A Testimony
    SWAT Subjective Workload Assessment Technique
    SWAT Sex Workers' Alliance of Toronto
    SWAT Solid Waste Assessment Test
    SWAT Special Winning Attitude Team
    SWAT Submillimeter Wave Advanced Technology
    SWAT Seattle Washington Autoduel Team
    SWAT Students with a Target (student/police partnership program in Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
    SWAT Solutions with Advanced Technologies (Cisco)
    SWAT Sisters With A Throttle (motorcycle club)
    SWAT Strategic Weapons and Tactics (TV show)
    SWAT Skilled With Advanced Tools (software development)
    SWAT South West Alief Texas
    SWAT Servants with A Testimony
    SWAT Scientific Wild Ass Guess
    SWAT Swift Action Team
    SWAT Specialists With Advanced Tools
    SWAT Sell What's Available Today
    SWAT Software Analysis and Testing (or Quality Assurance)
    SWAT Students Winning Against Tobacco (Texas)
    SWAT Satellite, Wideband, and Telemetry (systems)
    SWAT Short Wavelength Adaptive Technology
    SWAT Sick Wild and Twisted (band)
    SWAT Secure Wire Access Terminal
    SWAT Spiritual Warfare and Training (youth ministry)
    SWAT Skilled Workers with Advanced Tools
    SWAT surface water assessment team
    SWAT SouthWest Airedale Terriers
    SWAT Staff Without Adequate Training
    SWAT Strengths, Weaknesses, Achievements & Threats (assessment)
    SWAT Subsea Well Abandonment Tool
    SWAT System Wide Analysis Team
    SWAT Southwest Aquatics of Texas
    SWAT Satellite-Based Worldwide Availability Tool
    SWAT Solid Waste Assessment Team
    SWAT Squad Weapons Analytical Trainer
    SWAT Seeds, Weeds, And Trash
    SWAT Service Weapons Acceptability Test
    SWAT Ship What's Available Today
    SWAT Sanibel Water Attack Team (swimming)
    SWAT Southwest Association of Trackers
    SWAT Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics
    SWAT Software Wireless Access Tandem
    SWAT Soldiers With Apostolic Truth
    SWAT Server, Workstation And Technology Group
    SWAT Surface Weapons Against Torpedoes
    SWAT Switch Assembly Test
    SWAT Soul Winning Across Town
    SWAT Strengths, Weakness, Advantages & Threats (assessment)
    SWAT Southwest Area Vocational-Technical (school)
    SWAT Scout Water Activity Team
    SWAT Seeking Wisdom and Truth (Christianity)
    SWAT Saints With A Testimony (LDS church)

    Tümünü Göster
  12. 12.
    samsun wc ve abdesthane topluluğu
  13. 13.
    @3 özel kuvvetler çay ocağı
  14. 14.
    @3 mit sekreteri
  15. 15.
    unuttum panpişler