1. 1.
    @8 high hopes... benide sukula lan
  2. 2.
    hem ders calisiyorum hemde pink floyd - another brick in the wall dinlyorum hemde part2 direk konuya giriyo...
  3. 3.
    @17 panpa ingiliz aksanı cok gib lan amk konusmaları cok garip geliyor bana ama o sarkıdaki solo cok iyidir
  4. 4.
    @16 kanka suku icin sarkiyi dinlemek zorunda kaldim ki lanet olsun bu ingiliz aksanina
  5. 5.
    @13 amk senin lan guldum kap sukunu
  6. 6.
    high hopes

    beyond the horizon of the place we lived when we were young
    in a world of magnets and miracles
    our thoughts strayed constantly and without boundary
    the ringing of the division bell had begin

    along the long road and on down the causeway
    do they still meet there by the cut

    there was a ragged band that followed in our footsteps
    running before time took our dreams away
    leaving the myriad small creatures trying to tie us to the ground
    to a life consumed by slow decay

    the grass was greener
    the light was brighter
    with friends surrounded
    the night of wonder

    looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us
    to a glimpse of how green it was on the other side
    steps taken forwards but sleepwalking back again
    dragged by the force of some inner tide

    at a higher altitude with flag unfurled
    we reached the dizzy heights of that dreamed of world

    enumbered forever by desire and ambition
    there's a hunger still unsatisfied
    our weary eyes still stray to the horizon
    though down this road we've been so many time

    the grass was greener
    the light was brighter
    the taste was sweeter
    the nights of wonder
    with friends surrounded
    the dawn mist glowing
    the water flowing
    the endless river
    forever and ever
  7. 7.
    comfortably numb hani bana şuku
  8. 8.
    @10 sarkıyı hatırlat sukulayım seni
  9. 9.
    @6 high hopes icin sukuladım seni
  10. 10.
    high hopes a geç sınavın iyi geçiçeğinin hayaliyle yatağına uzan zıbar
  11. 11.
    another dick in your hole, haberin yok amk
  12. 12.
    @2 liseli dicem ama daha çok üniversite hazırlık gibi..
  13. 13.
    @5 olmadi iste hadi baska kapiya...
  14. 14.
    uplasak mi ne yapsak
  15. 15.
    @18 kanka benim tuyler cekiliyo ingiliz aksani duyunca elimde degil
  16. 16.
    @2 tercih meselesi tabi saygi duymak gerekir
  17. 17.
    @13 özet geç bin
  18. 18.
    @5 csci bin
  19. 19.
    @3 tabi saygı duyucan amk herkez senın gıbı escınsel olmak zorunda deıl
  20. 20.
    ironini gibeyim . hey teacher !!