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0"shawn henry—assistant director in chargeTümünü Göster
washington field office" miş beyler
mr. henry began his career as a special agent with the fbi in 1989. his first office of assignment was the washington metropolitan field office, where he investigated a variety of matters, focusing primarily on public corruption, and was a member of the fbi swat team. in 1996, mr. henry was promoted to supervisory special agent at fbi headquarters in the public corruption unit.
in 1999, mr. henry was designated chief of the computer investigations unit within the national infrastructure protection center at fbi headquarters, with management responsibility for all fbi criminal computer intrusion matters. during this tenure, he was appointed as a representative for the u.s. delegation to the g8 as a member of the high-tech crimes subgroup.
in 2001, mr. henry was promoted to field supervisor of the computer crimes squad for the fbi's baltimore field office. in 2003, he was named assistant inspector and team leader in the inspection division at fbi headquarters, where he led teams conducting evaluations and audits of fbi operations nationwide.
in 2004, mr. henry was selected as assistant special agent in charge of the philadelphia field office, with oversight for special operations, technical services, and the field intelligence group. mr. henry was subsequently detailed to fbi headquarters to assist in the implementation of the national security branch (nsb). in 2006, he was selected as a member of the senior executive service to serve as chief of the executive staff to the executive assistant director of the nsb.
in 2007, mr. henry was named deputy assistant director of the fbi’s cyber division, with program management responsibility for all fbi computer investigations worldwide. he was an original member of the national cyber study group, which developed the comprehensive national cybersecurity initiative. in september 2008, mr. henry was selected as fbi assistant director, leading the bureau’s cyber division, where he played a central role in restructuring the fbi’s cyber strategy and investigative programs.
on january 11, 2010 director robert s. mueller named shawn henry assistant director in charge of the fbi’s washington field office.
mr. henry holds a bachelor of business administration from hofstra university in new york and a master of science in criminal justice administration from virginia commonwealth university. he is a graduate of the homeland security executive leaders program from the naval postgraduate school, center for homeland defense and security. in 2009, mr. henry was a recipient of the presidential meritorious rank executive award.
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