0Straight edge veya kısaca sXe, Hardcore punk alanında oluşmuş bir yaşam tarzı ve gençlik kültürüdür. Ayık durumdan sağlanan avantaj manasındaki bu oluşumun takipçilerine Straight edger ya da sadece edger adı verilir.
wikipedia -
+1şu an içkim sigaram yoksa cm punk sayesinde
0vay amk burası boş değilmiş
0temiz yaşam
+1iyi niyetli panpalar mensup bu gruba cm punk reyiz de öncülerinden
+1cm punk öncülerindendir. bu adamı örnek alıyorum
0öncülerinden değil panpa. yanlış kelime kullanmışsın. öncülerinden yerine tanınmış deseydin daha uygun olurdu.
+1ccc xxx ccc
+1kısa zamanda içinde bulunacağım karşıt topluluk.
+1(bkz: cm punk)
+1xxx straight edge xxx
i'm a person just like you
but i've got better things to do
than sit around and fuck my head
hang out with the living dead
snort white shit up my nose
pass out at the shows
i don't even think about speed
that's something i just don't need
i've got the straight edge
i'm a person just like you
but i've got better things to do
than sit around and smoke dope
'cause i know i can cope
laugh at the thought of eating ludes
laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
always gonna keep in touch
never want to use a crutch
i've got the straight edge
sxe -
0sakin ol xchampionx
0i'm a person just like you
but i've got better things to do
than sit around and fuck my head
hang out with the living dead
snort white shit up my nose
pass out at the shows
i don't even think about speed
that's something i just don't need
i've got the straight edge
i'm a person just like you
but i've got better things to do
than sit around and smoke dope
'cause i know i can cope
laugh at the thought of eating ludes
laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
always gonna keep in touch
never want to use a crutch
i've got the straight edge -
+1sxe sxe
0drug free
0drugs sucks
0Xxx straight edge xxx
0i'm a person just like you
but i've got better things to do
than sit around and fuck my head
hang out with the living dead
snort white shit up my nose
pass out at the shows
i don't even think about speed
that's something i just don't need
i've got the straight edge
i'm a person just like you
but i've got better things to do
than sit around and smoke dope
'cause i know i can cope
laugh at the thought of eating ludes
laugh at the thought of sniffing glue
always gonna keep in touch
never want to use a crutch
i've got the straight edge - 8.
the vikings kemal kilicdaroglulugu
ayna kırmak uğursuzluk getirir demişler
zalinazurtun milfle randevum var dedigi de
vikingsin hiç değilse bi düzeltme çabası var
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şu entrylerde
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