1. 1.
    Beyler kizla cikmaya baslamadan once kiz benim ondan hoslanmadigimi sadece arkadas olarak gordugumu dusunup boyle birsey yazmis . bana ise daha yeni veriyor bunu . Her okuyusumda duygulaniyorum picler . Sizinle paylasmak istedim .

    Just a fried

    if you approach to the sun ,
    it will fade you to black to make fun
    cause it knows you have only got
    a big black hole deep inside your heart
    you know you`re just a creep , just a moth
    you have to keep this secret in your mouth
    you need a shoulder to cry on ,
    you need a warm hug to defeat your demon
    but you only have a broken imagination
    don`t lie to yourself
    don`t try to trick yourself
    open the secret box , it seems like it`s sucks
    so tell the truth now
    you know ;
    he's wrong man , it's wrong time
    a wrong way to love someone
    what you`ve got is an incompleted part
    keep on pretend just a friend , just a friend
    you never gain that heart in this gamble
    so blow out the candle
    live your life in the darkness
    cause you don`t deserve happiness
    don`t lie to yourself
    don`t try to trick yourself
    so tell the truth now
    you know ;
    he's wrong man , it's wrong time
    a wrong way to love someone
    what you`ve got is an incompleted part
    keep on pretend just a friend , just a friend
  2. 2.
    @2 panpa sevgilimden en ufak bi suphe duysam bunu burda paylasmazdim emin ol ama yine de gibleyip entry girdigin icin tesekkur ediyorum buyur sukun .
  3. 3.
    Panpalarim sizinle paylasmak istedim sadece giblemezseniz giblemeyin
  4. 4.
    @5 panpa keske bi okuyup oyle entry girseydin ben yazdim demedim amk sevgilim cikmaya baslamadan once benim icin yazmis .
  5. 5.
    Aminiza koyim sizin anca ferre izleyip osbir cekin . bi mutlulugumuzu paylasalim dedik gibleyen yok .