samwise the brave*
He didn't know what he was in for
Never knew what he could do
Didn't know of the evil and pain
That his Master would be going through
And so he carried his pots and pans
With a sword at his side
Vowing never to lose his Mr. Frodo
And he would never mean to
Through ice and dark the two were strong
Depending on each other
Frodo wouldn't have gotten far without his Sam
Shadow took the one he loved
And all he could do was watch
There was nothing he could do
No way to lead astray
The burden that Frodo bore
When dead he thought he was
Unknown courage he summoned
To take the Ring while mourning for his beloved Master
But dead he wasn't and he cursed himself
And so he had to rescue him
For he promised Gandalf that he wouldn't lose him
And that promise he meant to keep
And so there at journey's end they laid
In darkness buried deep
Beyond all towers strong and high
Beyond all mountains steep
The One Ring was destroyed
And Mr. Frodo had returned
There at the end of all things they stayed
Certain of their doom
But beyond all darknes, Beyond all gloom
Hope sprung up again
The Eagles came and bore them away
And so Samwise the brave
Did indeed save the day