oh look!, another prick in the wall
using apostrophes to hide his flaw
i'm not rapping, making minds blow
be on guard or drown in the flow -
+2@4 don't make me laugh you ignorant moron
your mama's ass bounces in horon
you either win or die
in the game of throne -
haw ar yu
ay em fayn
tenks end yu -
+1@18 took you so long for a respond
is it too hard for you, little bond?
you better be careful with your tongue
or you will be tasting my hell hound -
+1Oh , look lil' girl is rappin'
Oh , no , ı guess she's try to be swaggin'
I have to say , don't push me an stop bitchin'
Gotta strap up before you get what's happenin' -
hey stop to acting like you are tupac
Just get it you're smaller than cock of shaq
I'm sorry if ı hurt you punkass
But you know my rhymes stronger than sin's cock -
new champion in the fighting pit
a bit challenge, still nothing to fit
all you can say is fucking & shit
begging you come again when ready to hit -
+1well,at least you've shown some progress
could'nt decide whether fuck your mom in the congress
but, seriously again,who fucked the contess?
so much bdsm happened to that mistress
only words you know are the numbers
your ass need a bunch of timbers
poor mama seen serious plunders
in her pink, hairy chambers -
+1aranızda zütü yiyen cengaver
Shall i compare you to a summers day?
You have ugly face of walder frey
i should sell you to slaver's bay
place worth for your ass full of clay. -
+1@8 mother fother grandmother grandfother
grand theft auto should go to school
van tu thre for fiyfe six seven eight
loading come yapıp you fuck night -
+1mada faka
father faka
sister faka
uncle faka - 12.
please,no more of this rap crap
get ready for being wrapped
dance is for lil' girls & snap
you will cry because of my slap
watch out ! it's a trap!
@ 23
you say you do strong rhyme
all i see is language crime
don't make shadow to my prime
gently leave, before i make you a slime -
+1yes ı dont dou yu apple
yes no spiderman game of thrones
how are yuo doing my names fucker
yu sexy no my handsome -
0@1 you mother in my bedroom. This is body love is mother. Open the beast yeah
0be ready and keep steady gap
keep your pussy wet and opened up
can't dance with me.ha!idle guy
nothing to do but another cry. -
0@1 you mother my bedroom.
0panpalar şuna bi oy verim gibinizi taşağınızı yiim.
http://cloudmesh.uservoic...6059582-add-upload-button -
if you are ready to split
no costume for u little prick
if you're looking for some other dick
only slit will be on your seat
sağdaki neyse de
bu elaman akil hastasi hayalinde ulke
ilkokuldayken siniftaki kızları döverdim
tylerr dursun burayaa gel
cccrammsteinccc günaydın başlığı cügü rekoru
yatiyom ben ya
türkiyenin dünyadan övgü aldığı video
nurten ve elmas hanimlar evde vakit geçiriyor
beyler en son ağladığınız filmin adı neydi
lahana haşlamiştim kendime
uzun sure inciye giremiyen memati
sözlük sayfaları neden sıfırlanmamiş
gapdan girk beri bag hele
kendimle ilgili beklentileri baya dusurdm
ilk önce iş
beyler bu sene antalya manavgata gittim
gassal izleyen ve ya izlemiş ne kadar insan varsa
bazı bayanlar başına gelenleri hak ediyor
evvel zaman içinde kalbur 560bin olan mal
buyuk fontla yazi yazan
wow girl olarak meme uçlarim
elazığ çuf çuf hikayesi
insanlar doğuştan taşaklarını
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 14 01 2025
560 bin iti
neyse yarın mesai var
kafkas manla teke tek çıksak acaba
ne oldu lan gotunuzmu titredii dava
atatın neden hiç erkek evlatlığı yok
başı açık bayanların namusu
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