0abdli post-rock, post-metal, instrumental rock, ambient grubu
albüm: at the soundless dawn
alone and unawere, the landscapes transformed in front of our eyes.
buildings began to stretch wide across the sky, and the air filled with a reddish glow.
the soundless dawn came alive as cities began to mark the horizon.
mechanical sounds cascaded though the city walls and everyone reveled in their ignorance.
a brief moment of clarity broke through the deafening hum, but it was too late.
our happiest days slowly began to turn into dust.
the sixth extinction crept up slowly, like sunlight through the shutters, as we looked back in regret.
i saw the sky in the north open to the ground and fire poured out. -
0post rock dinleyeni gordukce mutlu oluyorum aq.
0şarkıların isimlerine bakarsanız çin komünist partisi nin yaptığı büyük ileri atılım kampanyasından bahsediyor. ekinleri arttırmak için serçeleri bile öldürüyorlar bu yüzden de çekirge sayısı artıyor ve bütün bitkileri yiyorlar. milyonlarca insan açlıktan ölüyor.
album: every red heart shines toward the red sun
1. the great leap forward poured down upon us one day like a mighty storm, suddenly and furiously blinding our senses. (7:00)
2. we stood transfixed in blank devotion as our leader spoke to us, looking down on our mute faces with a great, raging, and unseeing eye. (8:55)
3. like the howling glory of the darkest winds, this voice was thunderous and the words holy, tangling their way around our hearts and clutching our innocent awe. (10:08)
4. a message of avarice rained down upon us and carried us away into false dreams of endless riches. (7:11)
5. annihilate the sparrow, that stealer of seed, and our harvests will abound; we will watch our wealth flood in. (8:43)
6. and by our own hand did every last bird lie silent in their puddles, the air barren of song as the clouds drifted away. (1:42)
7. millions starved and became skinnier and skinnier, while our leaders became fatter and fatter. (9:55)
8. finally, as that blazing sun shone down upon us, did we know that true enemy was the voice of blind idolatry; and only then did we begin to think for ourselves. (8:03) -
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