0qm says that the most complete description of
qm says that the most complete description of a system is its wavefunction, which is just a number varying between time and place. one can derive things from the wavefunction, such as the position of a particle, or its momentum. yet the wavefunction describes probabilities, and some physical quantities which classical physics would assume are both fully defined together simultaneously for a system are not simultaneously given definite values in qm. it is not that the experimental equipment is not precise enough - the two quantities in question just are not defined at the same time by the universe. for instance, location and velocity do not exist simultaneously for a body (this is called the heisenberg uncertainty principle — see its formula in the box to the right).
(namuslu ev kizi, 26.12.2009 21:07)
1. 283522 * :o :( /msj ?
qm says that the most complete description of a system is its wavefunction, which is just a number varying between time and place. one can derive things from the wavefunction, such as the position of a particle, or its momentum. yet the wavefunction describes probabilities, and some physical quantities which classical physics would assume are both fully defined together simultaneously for a system are not simultaneously given definite values in qm. it is not that the experimental equipment is not precise enough - the two quantities in question just are not defined at the same time by the universe. for instance, location and velocity do not exist simultaneously for a body (this is called the heisenberg uncertainty principle — see its formula in the box to the right).
(namuslu ev kizi, 26.12.2009 21:07) -
0qm says that the most complete description of a system is its wavefunction, which is just a number varying between time and place. one can derive things from the wavefunction, such as the position of a particle, or its momentum. yet the wavefunction describes probabilities, and some physical quantities which classical physics would assume are both fully defined together simultaneously for a system are not simultaneously given definite values in qm. it is not that the experimental equipment is not precise enough - the two quantities in question just are not defined at the same time by the universe. for instance, location and velocity do not exist simultaneously for a body (this is called the heisenberg uncertainty principle — see its formula in the box to the right).
0yav ilgi cekmek icin yapmayin soyle seyler. yaratici olun aminak.
0yaratmak allaha mahsus züt.
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