*Marshal of the Sejm - Bronislaw Komorowski - has taken over the competences of president.
Special government meeting is about to start in Warsaw.
People start to gathering in front of Presidential Palace in Warsaw to gave their respect.
96 victims - latest data from the local authorities.
Journalist aren't allowed to enter the crash site. According to witnesses, plane has been losing fuel just before it hit the treetops and crashed.
All cultural and sport events in country are canceled.
Full list of passengers: polskieradio.pl
Prime minister Donald Tusk is receiving condolences from heads of state from around the world; president of Russia, chancellor of Germany has send a special letters to Tusk.
National flags are at half-mast. People start to hang flags on their houses, often with black ribbons.
All main polish portals switched to black and white colours: wp.pl, onet.pl, gazeta.pl, interia.pl, tvn24.pl. Journalist, which were announcing the tragedy in news stations, barely could hold their tears.
134 persons are working on the crash site. There are 50 units of special equipment.
Biggest news channel - TVN24 - has started a special live internet broadcast. Watch here.
All bodies are still in plane's wreck.
Authorities of Smolensk airport did not recommend to land in that weather conditions, they advised to land in Moscow. Decision to land anyway was made by team on the airplane - said Irina Andrianowa, spokeswoman of local authorities.
Press conference of Bronislaw Komorowski, who has taken over the competences of president, will start soon.
Prime minister of Russia Vladimir Putin heads to the crash site - unofficial.
All polish official prosecutors will immediately receive visas to travel on the crash site to help to investigate - said Russian president Dmitrij Miedviediev.
More and more people gathers around the Presidential Palace in Warsaw. They bring flowers, light candles.
Black box has been found - according to Interfax.
"This plane shouldn't fly. You shouldn't save money on safety" - said Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, president of Warsaw. "But let's not seek the responsible ones right now. Those who believe in god, should pray" - she added.
Bronislaw Komorowski announced national week of mourning.
There were 96 persons on the plane: 88 passengers and 8 crew members - latest official data.
Poland has been left without army leaders; first deputies are taking over the command.
Special government meeting is now taking place in Warsaw. It started with a minute of silence.
Presidential election date should be announced in no longer than two weeks. Elections should took place during next 2,5 months - according to Polish constitution.
Polish and Russian prime ministers, Donald Tusk an Vladimir Putin, are heading to Smolensk.
First coffins has been shipped to Smolensk airport.
Portal onet.pl has started a condolence book.
Poland is in a deep grief. This can be also felt in the internet. Many anti-presidential websites and Facebook groups are closing.
Russian president Miedviediev is going to make a special speech to Polish nation.
Polish PM Donald Tusk received condolences from US president Barack Obama during phone conversation. France, Germany, Russia, UK, Italy, Israel... This is only some of the countries, that also expressed their grief.
When presidential plane was approaching to runway, visibility was less than 500 meters - said local meteorological experts.
Jaroslaw Kaczynski, brother of Lech Kaczynski, former prime minister and present member of Sejm, is leaving to Smolensk.
12 April will be a day of national grief in Russia - announced president Dmitrij Miedviediev.
Bodies of passengers and crew will be transported to Moscow, where identification will take place.
All black boxes has been found - official.
Video from the crash site: youtube.com
Lithuania announced national grief.