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0lan yardım için illa amlı mı olmak lazım. nerde lan inci ruhu. bi el atında yokuşa kadar ittirin orada vurdururuz zaten rampadan aşağı
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0oyunun 1.0 patchini yükleyip yapmış bazıları yabancılardan buldum
1. install the 1.0 patch by pes edit into you pes directrory(patch can be found under http://pes2008editing.blogspot.com/s ... ?max-results=8)
2. once installed you should run the config.exe file as an administrator (c:program fileskonamipro evolution soccer 2012kitserverconfix.exe) and set-up the following parameters:
enable aspect ration correction--->automatic
enforcecustom resolution---> set the resolution you want eg. 1280x720
enforce picture quality---> set it to medium or high or low depending on the speed of your computer and the graphical properties
then change the tab to lod configuration in the screen that is just open. tick the boxes for players(gameplay) and set all the slide bars to the minimu(100.110) then do the same for the box referees(gameplay).
click on save and close the tab. now open run the application named manager also as an administrator and then just click on attch. now just go and play pes 2012 but note run it is an administrator.
in order for it to work you have to run all the three applications as an administrator 1. config 2. manager and finally the pes 2012
1.0 patchi kur diyor sonra kitserverdeki confix exe administrator olarak aç diyor aspect ratioyu otomatik yap diyor resolutionı ayarla diyor. grafik özelliklerine göre medium ya da yüksek olarak ayarla diyor. sonra kaydet ve kapat diyor. tekrar administrator ,olarak aç önce attach butonuna bas sonra da pes 2012 yi admin olarak aç diyor -
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0solution for avatar crash in pes 2012
if your game crash when you start to create avatar, i have definitive solution. i think, it´s because intel hd graphics card, which is in big amount of notebook´s.
download pesedit http://pes2008editing.blo...12-patch-10-released.html .
this give real names for players and gives you new teams but it´s not important to us. with pesedit, you can apply some things, you can´t without. so, install pesedit and open in folder kitserver file: config.exe
here, edit the custom ratio to automatic and edit the details to high. without this, game´s not work. i was think, resolution 1280x720 is important but i try game without it and it´s worked too.
the last thing is save the changes, open manager.exe, chooses pes2012.exe and click to attached. now, you are ready to play game. don´t forget to start game as admin.
i hope that i helped you. sorry for bad english =)
olm çocuğun sosyalleşebildiği tek yer burasıydı
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