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    It has taken between 50-300 million years to form, and yet we have managed to burn roughly half of all global oil reserves in merely 125 years or so.

    The world now consumes 85 million barrels of oil per day, or 40,000 gallons per second, and demand is growing exponentially.

    Oil production in 33 out of 48 out countries has now peaked, including Kuwait, Russia and Mexico. Global oil production is now also approaching an all time peak and can potentially end our Industrial Civilization. The most distinguished and prominent geologists, oil industry experts, energy analysts and organizations all agree that big trouble is brewing.

    The world is not running out of oil itself, but rather its ability to produce high-quality cheap and economically extractable oil on demand. After more than fifty years of research and analysis on the subject by the most widely respected & rational scientists, it is now clear that the rate at which world oil producers can extract oil is reaching the maximum level possible. This is what is meant by Peak Oil. With great effort and expenditure, the current level of oil production can possibly be maintained for a few more years, but beyond that oil production must begin a permanent & irreversible decline. The Stone Age did not end because of the lack of stones, and the Oil Age won't end because of lack of oil. The issue is lack of further growth, followed by gradual, then steep decline. Dr King Hubbert correctly predicted peaking of USA oil production in the 1970's on this basis.

    It is now widely acknowledged by the world's leading petroleum geologists that more than 95 percent of all recoverable oil has now been found. We therefore know, within a reasonable degree of certainty, the total amount of oil available to us. Any oil well has roughly the same life cycle where the production rate peaks before it goes into terminal decline. This happens when about half of the oil has been recovered from the well. We have consumed approximately half of the world’s total reserve of about 2.5 trillion barrels of conventional oil in the ground when we started drilling the first well at a current rate of over 30 billion a year, meaning the world is nearing its production plateau.

    Worldwide discovery of oil peaked in 1964 and has followed a steady decline since. According to industry consultants IHS Energy, 90% of all known reserves are now in production, suggesting that few major discoveries remain to be made. There have been no significant discoveries of new oil since 2002. In 2001 there were 8 large scale discoveries, and in 2002 there were 3 such discoveries. In 2003 there were no large scale discoveries of oil. Given geologists' sophisticated understanding of the characteristics that would indicate a major oil find, is is highly unlikely that any area large enough to be significant has eluded attention and no amount or kind of technology will alter that. Since 1981 we have consumed oil faster than we have found it, and the gap continues to widen. Developing an area such as the Artic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska has a ten year lead time and would ultimately produce well under 1% of what the world currently consumes (IEA).

    Oil is now being consumed four times faster than it is being discovered, and the situation is becoming critical.

    "The consumption of a finite resource is simply a finite venture and the faster we use the quicker it peaks" (M. Simmons)
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    Peak oil theory states: that any finite resource, (including oil), will have a beginning, middle, and an end of production, and at some point it will reach a level of maximum output as seen in the graph to the left.

    Oil production typically follows a bell shaped curve when charted on a graph, with the peak of production occurring when approximately half of the oil has been extracted. With some exceptions, this holds true for a single well, a whole field, an entire region, and presumably the world. The underlying reasons are many and beyond the scope of this primer, suffice to say that oil becomes more difficult and expensive to extract as a field ages past the mid-point of its life.

    In the US for example, oil production grew steadily until 1970 and declined thereafter, regardless of market price or improved technologies.

    In 1956 M. King Hubbert, a geologist for Shell Oil, predicted the peaking of US Oil production would occur in the late 1960s.

    Although derided by most in the industry he was correct. He was the first to assert that oil discovery, and therefore production, would follow a bell shaped curve over its life. After his success in forecasting the US peak, this analysis became known as the Hubbert's Peak.

    The amount of oil discovered in the US has dropped since the late 1930s.

    40 years later, US oil production had peaked, and has fallen ever since.

    World discovery of oil peaked in the 1960s, and has declined since then. If the 40 year cycle seen in the US holds true for world oil production, that puts global peak oil production, right about now; after which oil becomes less available, and more expensive.

    Today we consume around 4 times as much oil as we discover.

    If we apply Hubbert's Peak to world oil production we estimate that approximately half of all oil that will be recovered, has been recovered, and oil production may reach a peak in the near future, or perhaps already has.

    "Understanding depletion is simple. Think of an Irish pub. The glass starts full and ends empty. There are only so many more drinks to closing time. It's the same with oil. We have to find the bar before we can drink what is in it."


    What peaking does mean, in energy terms, is that once you've peaked, further growth in supply, is over. Peaking is generally, also, a relatively quick transition to a relatively serious decline at least on a basin by basin basis. And the issue then, is the world's biggest serious question.


    Read More, Why is there so much Discussion of Peak Oil?
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    hidrojen yakıtlara geçilmesi şart ki petrolun 50 yıldan az süresi kaldı, petrol bittigi an gibildigimiz gündür çünkü günlük yaşamda kullanılan şeylerin nerdeyse %75'i malum petrolden yapılmaktadır.. petrolun temeli yaşayan organizmaların fosilleşmesi sonucu ve bu fosillerin 300 yılda yere gömülüp petrolu oluşturması gerekir ve çok az bi miktar oluşur, harcadıgımız miktar petrolum oluşması için milyonlarca yıl beklememiz gerekir.. anamızın karnında 9 ay bekleyemiyoruz amk..1 milyon yılı nerde bekleyecez
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    panpa peak in anldıbına zarganda bakın. borsada en yüksek fiyat diyo. bence akp benzine zam yapcak şimdiden uyarıyo. ccc lpg ccc
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    biz bildiriyoruz ki, geleceğin en büyük problemi peak oil kavramıdır. insanlar ne kadar cahil... israeloğullarına bunları bildirdik. biz ademoğullarını israeloğullarına köle olsunlar diye yaratmadık mı?
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    hasıktır bune lan
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