+1OMG WAT THE HELL IS THAT you bitch dedi ahuahuahu feci yedi bin
0Stranger: heeey
You: oooovvv shittt my vajina is bleeding
You: sorry can you wait
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0You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: nobrain.dk
You: enter
Stranger: lololol hahahahha lolol
You: noldu lan ipne
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0You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: i want 25 cm penis
You: have you got it ?
You: r u there ?
Stranger: yeh baby
You: liarrrrrr
Stranger: u got right person
Stranger: lol
You: when will we meet ?
You: i am in london
Stranger: i dont know im inus
You: http://www.nobrain.dk come here see my vajina
You: :D:D
Stranger: cool
You: thx
You: :D
You: is it beautiful ??
You: adam öldü beyler
Stranger: gi me a min
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ahahahaha adam fena gibildi -
-1You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi
You: how are you
Stranger: fine thanks u|?
You: finee
You: asl?
Stranger: 16 f poland
Stranger: u?
You: 17 m turkey
Stranger: *
You: incidenmisin lan :D
Stranger: what?
You: ok
You: can you give me your msn?
Stranger: sorry i haven't
You: and http://www.nobrain.dk
You: my web site
You: please visit and check my photo *
---3-4 dk sonra:---
Your conversational partner has disconnected. -
+1Stranger: hey
You: hey
You: asl?
Stranger: 25 m
Stranger: you?
You: 27 f
Stranger: where are you from?
You: name is emma btw
Stranger: i'm from belgium
You: england
Stranger: nice name
You: yours?
Stranger: lovely girl :-)
Stranger: Ruben
You: thx hehe
You: Ruben is nice too:)
Stranger: do you come here often?
You: hmm maybe once a week, i dont have much time being student on age 27 is hard :D
Stranger: student and working?
Stranger: or only student?
You: both
Stranger: respect girl
Stranger: and a boyfriend?
Stranger: and kids?
You: recently broke up
You: no kids:)
Stranger: oh my excuses
Stranger: reason?
You: nah not that important
You: we didnt get along
Stranger: do you have msn?
Stranger: was it a long relationship? or not?
You: nah i dont use msn
You: nah it was pretty short
You: 2 weeks only
Stranger: you didn't live together
Stranger: how do you look?
You: nope, i live alone
You: hmm you can check my website, there are pretty much photos there
Stranger: tell me
Stranger: what's the link
Stranger: the url...
You: http://www.nobrain.dk , it was intended to be funny
You: but using it like twitter
You: checking?
Stranger: yep
Stranger: wait a sec
Stranger: :-)
You: ccc inci giber ccc
Stranger: denmark?
Stranger: ???
You: yeah that url was free
You: so, do you like me?
You: if you have photos or website pls send
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
profesyonelim aq:D -
0çok zevkli lan
0bi tane incici bulamadım amk. nerdesiniz :D
0ahahhaha beyler adamlar inci giber yazınca kacıyo ahaha
-1You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: asl
You: 22 f poland
Stranger: 15 f id
You: *
You: how are you
Stranger: alright.yourss?
You: im fine
Stranger: what interesting in poland now?
You: can you share photos?
You: my photos: http://www.nobrain.dk please check
Stranger: ok
You: check and give me comments please
You: checked?
You: ???
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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0ahahaha süpersiniz beyler
0yarak görmeye bu kadar mı meraklısınız
0beyler cam lı açmayın yannan çıkıo
+1beyler inciciler birbirini buluyor
Stranger: hi asl?
You: hey
You: ccc inci giber ccc
Stranger: dıbına bilem kor
Stranger: :D
Stranger: CcC Inci giber CCC
You: ahahahahahha
Stranger: zaalalala
Stranger: :D
Stranger: nasi buldun amk beni :D
Stranger: bende inciciyim
You: ahahahha inci iş basında amk :D
Stranger: xD
Stranger: baskınmı
Stranger: var gene
Stranger: yoksa
You: baskın var hacııı
Stranger: he k ozmn
Stranger: :D
You: hadi c u
You: http://nobrain.dk/
Stranger: :D
Stranger: ben yutturam sıtyeyi
Stranger: millete
Stranger: hadi gorusuruz:D -
0bir bin buldum, kadıköye çağırdı amk
sanki bütün dünya istanbul'da yaşıyor...
istanbullu bin! -
0stranger: hi
you: hello
you: 80
you: how are you
stranger: fine & u?
you: also fine
you: where are u from
stranger: india
stranger: u from?
you: russia
you: hey come and chat there
you: our website
you: http://www.nobrain.dk
stranger: ok
stranger: ur web
you: yes
10 dk sonra... your conversational partner has disconnected.
or send us feedback -
-1You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi
You: hi
Stranger: asl?
You: ccc inci giber ccc
You: 20 f germany
Stranger: m 30 sweden
You: hmm great
Stranger: sarcasm?
You: can you check my photos ? if you like, i give my msn
Stranger: congratulations for eurovision *
dıbına koduum -
015 dkdan beri saldırıyorum. hiç karşılaşmadk lan.
0Stranger: m f?
You: f
Stranger: age?
Stranger: *
You: 27
You: * u?
Stranger: 26
Stranger: horny?
You: yeah i am:D
Stranger: tell me some dirty things and make me hard baby
You: instead, do you want to check my website?
You: you can get hard there
You: and i get my money from ads
Stranger: i want
You: http://www.nobrain.dk , it was intended to be funny but later i changed my mind hehe
Stranger: tell me dirty
Stranger: baby
You: there are a lot of dirty stuff there
You: why text while you can see my photos?
You: then, we can chat on cam :P
Stranger: wait
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
dıbına kodumun abazası
gran torino seni parça parça yapıcamm
of karım benim
gran torino ya şuku atan yazar
ulke bitmiss
zalinazurt boranın tavsiyesiyle
göz hakkı diye bir şey var
ccc rammstein ccc günaydın diler 22 01 2025
bir tatil için baliye gitmiştimm
beyler bunlar bizimle taşak mı geçiyor
o gün asla gelmeyecek
yıl olmuş 2025 hala çaylak var
6 ay inci yok
keske sekreterim olsa
sözlükte kadın olduğunu belli etmek
cidden öleyim ya
kitapların bana katacagi hic bise yok
bu adam hakkında ne düşünüyonuzzzz
corps hanım meraba
bu ülkede ahlaksızlığın cezası yok
corps hanım pm kontrol et
ezanlar bir saniye bile susmasın istiyorum
ölünce beni kim yikayaca k
uykuya dalamiyoeum la
imş direksiyondur
bunu traşlasam acayip rahatlar
din ile bilimi birleştirdim yeni bişey çıkardım
chpnin bi türban yasağı yüzünden
madem açıyon verecen
dayidaki malafata bak
gotcapsivarmi wowgirl yan hesabi oldunuu
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