1. 951.
    ergen öfkesi bir türlü bitemeyen kişilik..
  2. 952.
    gib kafalı
  3. 953.
    asi bin
  4. 954.
    @1 my beautiful sister. We have five lovely thank you all joking. but our patience, as far as our bi. after that time will never come to me with abzurk joke. more like a pearl in the dictionary, and if the issue is bothering residents and I'll drink to you motherfucker. Of course you're right to treat schizophrenia are thought to be an extra support to take advantage of this environment, you want to cover up but do not eat crushed. This is a modern, sophisticated, art ferre places of those who are adopted. This, after that time it will be known. If I have given instructions that I mentioned are forced to get out of driving. I mean difficult to use vaseline as a base to plan to eliminate. I therefore invite you to be smart business for you dear guest pearl lexicographer. and modes for you ... When it comes to you Yeah, yeah: the bits of conversation that you have returned Yolanda default sentence of intelligence behind you can see the world, dictionaries, dictionaries sour bastards have infiltrated even get this right, left, and publish as a period. Well I see one more time if it happens? then the tendency to take blood from your ass I would have reached the highest level. I will not bother mate. Can I get bored if I have written to the keyboard's cable, water cooled CPU block fuck you do. You get your ass patlatırıp breath. A pearl of a master when it comes at you already had your gibtiricem. then put in the pearl to the PM. We do not want to mod admin and then fuck off bastards. get news you do not have your own business. if you freeze your ass you do not have news.

    Summary: get smart pearl ccc ccc

    A sanane şahseri koyim livecam
  5. 955.
    @1 hiç sevmıorm bini ya
  6. 956.
    komık adam
  7. 957.
    @ bilmem kaç bilmiorm da istanbuln anasını skmiş yorumuna koptm lan
  8. 958.
    @278 ahah yeni gördüm huur çocuğu sesli güldüm al sana şuku
  9. 959.
    yeter ya yeter dıbına kodumun cocugu yeter sıkerım senın gelmişini geç mısını sorduk mu ha sorduk mu elım ayagım tıtredı ya allaıhıma kıtabıma dıbını parçalarım senın
  10. 960.
    http://www.facebook.com/ferdikavak bu oruspu cocugu bana pıclık yaptı sıkayet edın annesı sıkılmısı
  11. 961.
    kofti anarşist
  12. 962.
    ben daha bugün izledm ziyaretleri organizatöre saygılar
    cccinci giberccc
  13. 963.
    @777 o programda nihat doğan zer mircan diye bi şarkı söyledi duymadın mı amk .
  14. 964.
    meydaya kayar, oyledir boyledir der.
    medyadan nemalanir, karilari giber, unutur gider.

    sokakta yururken kameralara 'lan cekmeyin amk.' der, sonra ayni kameranin onunde laf salatasi yapar, mali goturur.. gotunu hizmetcisine sildirir.

    boyle yavsakligin amina koyim der, bi turk buyugu fazil abimiz; saygilar abi.
  15. 965.
    ayolcu reis
  16. 966.
    okan ben bi yarak buldum
  17. 967.
    berberini gibtiğimin mala dönmüş... Amfibi yavrusu
  18. 968.

    ▲ ▲
  19. 969.
    bin kelimesinin tanımı
  20. 970.
    sürekli eleştirdiği huur çocuklarından bi farkı olmayan bin