0@57 fuck you!
tamam sakinim -
0"ussr" and "cccp" redirect here. for other uses, see ussr (disambiguation) and cccp (disambiguation).Tümünü Göster
"soviet" redirects here. for the term itself, see soviet (council). for other uses, see soviet (disambiguation).
союз советских социалистических республик
soyuz sovietskikh sotsialisticheskikh respublik
union of soviet socialist republics
other names
1922–1991 ↓
flag state emblem
пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
(translit.: proletarii vsekh stran, soyedinyaytes'!)
english: workers of the world, unite!
the internationale (1922–1944)
hymn of the soviet union (1944–1991)
the soviet union after world war ii
capital moscow
language(s) russian, many others
religion none
government union socialist republic, single-party communist state
- 1922–1924 (first) vladimir lenin
- 1985–1991 (last) mikhail gorbachev
- established 30 december 1922
- disestablished 26 december 1991
- 1991 22,402,200 km2 (8,649,538 sq mi)
- 1991 est. 293,047,571
density 13.1 /km2 (33.9 /sq mi)
currency soviet ruble (руб) (sur)
internet tld .su2
calling code +7
preceded by succeeded by
russian sfsr
transcaucasian sfsr
ukrainian ssr
byelorussian ssr
1on 21 december 1991, eleven of the former socialist republics declared in alma-ata (with the 12th republic – georgia – attending as an observer) that with the formation of the commonwealth of independent states the union of soviet socialist republics ceases to exist.
2assigned on 19 september 1990, existing onwards.
3the governments of estonia, latvia, and lithuania view themselves as continuous and unrelated to the respective soviet republics.
russia views the estonian, latvian, and lithuanian ssrs as legal constituent republics of the ussr and predecessors of the modern baltic states.
the government of the united states and a number of other countries did not recognize the annexation of estonia, latvia, and lithuania to the ussr as a legal inclusion.
soviet union
the union of soviet socialist republics (ussr, russian: сою́з сове́тских социалисти́ческих респу́блик, tr. soyuz sovietskikh sotsialisticheskikh respublik ipa: [sɐˈjus sɐˈvʲetskʲɪx sətsɨəlʲɪˈstʲitɕɪskʲɪx rʲɪsˈpublʲɪk] ( listen), abbreviated ссср, sssr), and commonly known as the soviet union (russian: советский союз, tr. sovietsky soyuz) was a constitutionally socialist state that existed in eurasia between 1922 and 1991. a more informal name also used among its residents was the union (soyuz).
the soviet union had a single-party political system dominated by the communist party until 1990.[1] although the ussr was nominally a union of soviet republics (15 in all after 1956) with the capital in moscow, it was actually a highly centralized state with a planned economy.
the russian revolution of 1917 brought about the downfall of the russian empire. its successor, the russian provisional government, was short-lived. after the bolsheviks won the ensuing russian civil war, the soviet union was founded in december 1922 with the merger of the soviet federative socialist republic, transcaucasian socialist federative soviet republic, ukrainian soviet socialist republic and byelorussian soviet socialist republic.
following the death of the first soviet leader, vladimir lenin, in 1924, joseph stalin eventually won a power struggle[2] and led the country through a large-scale industrialization with a command economy and political repression.[2][3] his greatest test was yet to come. in world war ii, in june 1941, germany and its allies invaded the soviet union, a country with which it had signed a non-aggression pact. after four years of brutal warfare, the soviet union emerged victorious as one of the world's two superpowers, the other being the united states.
the soviet union and its eastern european satellite states engaged in the cold war, a prolonged global ideological and political struggle against the united states and its western bloc allies, which it ultimately lost in the face of economic troubles and both domestic and foreign political unrest.[4][5] in the late 1980s, the last soviet leader mikhail gorbachev tried to reform the state with his policies of perestroika and glasnost, but the soviet union t the soviet union collapsed and was formally dissolved in december 1991 after the abortive august coup attempt.[6] the russian federation assumed its rights and obligations -
0@1 cahil bin yuri gagarin moskova ülkü ocakları başkanıydı
0aslında cccp diir o beyler. sovyet sosyalist cumhuriyetler birliği
0nerde lan p dıbına koyim ben ccc yi goruyorum vede cccp bile yazsa orda gozuken ccc ve kim gorse inci aklına gelir bence. her bi takun altını kazmayın dıbına koyim gorunene bak eğlen. aç pipinle oyna.
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tamam sakinim -
0şuku ağku
0up up up up up up gormeyen kalmasin!
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040 yapar
0way aqqqq
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0löve löve bin aferin sana.
0tmm sen buldun sakin ol şampiyon
0yuri gagarin o
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