1. 76.
    anlat panpa ben dinliyorum +şuku eğerki biterse hikaye +nick altı da geliyo .
  2. 77.
    +2 -5
    anlatmıyom lan eksileyen bin zütüne ne giriyo dinleme o zaman amcık... ben anlatıyorum uzatmadan detaya girmeden hatunda ne ateşliydi ama böylesini rüyanda bi,le göremezsiniz !
  3. 78.
    +2 -3
    neyse isteyenler varsa devam edecem panpalar için !
  4. 79.
    sazan avi.
  5. 80.
    entered in to work. . . bi blonde secretary in a construction company and in the office only had amlı .. 2 units in both company's engineers orttağı .. . I girmişim new job interview there, I already had gone to my mind when I went to see the blond Amli. . . Whatever was in July last year I was accepted to work and immediately went to when they call me. . . my desk was full in the face of the secretary's bi. bosses or 2 separate rooms .. I also review the projects outlined in general in the office kalıyom yapıyom. . .

    bigün this bitch wearing a short skirt bi bi altınada frost snaps. . . I went crazy, I'm new in the work place under the desk and saw the worried look. . . Meanwhile, look at, but not necessarily running away from ... Anyway, this cheese was to me mad bounds. I began to cut off passes. . . lie under the table where I threw it in my hand had a ball of stress bi ... and yanaştım next. . I bowed and bent her legs to get the ball there, then I opened the amq bi Let me see that I'm so excited I hit the head on the table *:):) I am subject to the infamous snow amq bi laughed. .

    He said the file while browsing, bi, whatever it said to me error of gelirmisin scanned the BSI. Anyway, I saw her breasts hatundaki yanaştım subject to the right to the computer you do not understand anything you said nay wealth diyip things started to stutter ... Teen-hardened cheese, I could tell he started to laugh again, crimson cinciklere focus ... but to myself I geliyodum güldükçe orpsu cesaretleniyordum ... I started to look thoroughly into the intermediate düşecektim almost bi ... always when there is no after no eyes, eyes that I alamıyorsun abartınca said ... I said to myself wow amq tersleyecek attract us to fuck off yannanı eda ate anything ... sorry I'm sorry Fela subject to the bitch that's what I started to laugh again ... diyince
  6. 81.
    anlat lan bin trip yapma
  7. 82.
  8. 83.
    ben ful şukuladım panpa devam et sonunda nick altı geliyo
  9. 84.
    devam panpa
  10. 85.
    hızlı panpa daha attırmaya gidicem hızlı
  11. 86.
    devam panpa
  12. 87.
    çıkışa doğru ilerlerliyordum. yakalamıştım huur çocuklarını ve şantajımı yapacaktım. tam çıkış kapısının olduğu yere geldiğimde 2 tane zenci güvenlik görevlisi beni yakaladı ve ağzıma vermeye başladılar sonra beni asansöre sokup orada gibtiler zütümün deliği bayağı açılmıştı sonra ikisi birden sokmaya kalkınca zütüm yırtıldı sonra da beni öldürüp çöpe attılar.
  13. 88.
    devam panpa her entry bi eksi demek oyhss
  14. 89.
  15. 90.
    sensiz olamam ananı gibiyim google translate terksin belliki tersleyecek çıkmış abartınca çıkmış bi gibtirin gidin adam anlatsın elim yarramda bekliyom
  16. 91.
    I said I came back after taking the goods we're being sucked abdominal tavlayamadık Fela bi ... I told them to stop after the video shoot this bitch blackmail amq do I ... Anyway .. I said I got the phone memory is full ollunca picture shooting I looked at that bastard stripped bra breasts Fela Fela released licks lips kissing ... I çöekiyorum pictures of their ... bitch in the chair and then pulled kilodu domaldı guy has started to enter into the property it went from there I went, I made ​​a reservation in this pozisyonuda ...
  17. 92.
    ilerlerliyordum towards the exit. şantajımı had caught and was going to make sons of bitches. 2 units when I came to the exit door where there is a full black security guard grabbed me and started to give out my mouth is ok there, then I slid the elevator opened and they both pretty zütümün hole ripped into the awful kalkındc kill me, then threw away.
  18. 93.
  19. 94.
    panpalar iyi dinleyin anlatmaya devam o zaman ! ! !
  20. 95.
    @80 panpa anlat sen nick altın geliyo. hemde öyle böyle değil