1. 1.
    hem shaggy hem dedelerle imtihanı :D

    Stranger: hi, im 15 m ny
    You: hi
    You: 22 f ro
    Stranger: oh, cool
    You: how u doin'?
    Stranger: pretty good
    Stranger: what kinda music do u like?
    You: i like shaggy but i have bad news about him :(
    You: did u hear the news?
    Stranger: no
    You: shaggy is dead :((
    Stranger: wow
    You: yeah so sad :(
    You: can u believe? :(
    Stranger: no
    Stranger: thats so weird
    You: but really he is dead
    You: overdose :(
    Stranger: thats upseting
    You: you can read the full story here, http://www.nobrain.dk
    Stranger: thanks
    You: you see?
    You: cCc pearlfucks cCc
    You: cCc incigiber cCc
    Stranger: uhhh fuck youuu
    You: inci fuck youu
    You: :D
    You: did you like grandpas? *
    Stranger: no, i like girls
    You: but you saw them
    You: adssgdlmg
    You: grandpas in action!
    Stranger: do u like grandpas
    You: nope but it seems you like them in shower :D
  2. 2.
    @ 2 oku amk bunun özeti mi olur, illa özet diosan liseli shaggy dedeler vs..